Get well soon exwindsurfer

Get well soon Jeff(y)
Jeff I was 18.9 stone end of July. I’m now 15.5 stone. Im trying to get to my target of 14.5. I spoke to my doctor last week and I have totally reversed my type 2 diabetes and off all the medication. I’m taking that mounjaro and it has totally changed my whole life. But the biggest heath benefit just like a miracle is that Christine’s sore back has miraculously got better too.😂
Jeff I was 18.9 stone end of July. I’m now 15.5 stone. Im trying to get to my target of 14.5. I spoke to my doctor last week and I have totally reversed my type 2 diabetes and off all the medication. I’m taking that mounjaro and it has totally changed my whole life. But the biggest heath benefit just like a miracle is that Christine’s sore back has miraculously got better too.😂
You wish
Jeff I was 18.9 stone end of July. I’m now 15.5 stone. Im trying to get to my target of 14.5. I spoke to my doctor last week and I have totally reversed my type 2 diabetes and off all the medication. I’m taking that mounjaro and it has totally changed my whole life. But the biggest heath benefit just like a miracle is that Christine’s sore back has miraculously got better too.😂
Not sure if that's the same as what I was on two years ago, a small injection pump kept in the fridge, tiny needle in the tummy, the tried me on a small dose for a month which I was fin on then upped it but it just made feel ill so I had to come off it and back onto metformin & canagliflozin.

Liz is trying to get onto it as she has thyroid problems and they are really messing her around having to fill in an app for every meal.
That’s similar stuff the one I’m on is pretty new it was designed for diabetics but one af the benefits are weight loss. I started on 2.5mg and it increased 2.5mg every month I’m now on 10mg it was costing £200 per month I didn’t have a problem paying for it but I’m now getting it on prescription from NHS from next month. Totally life changing drug if used properly. Problem is it’s getting some bad press because the young ladies are abusing it for weight loss it wasn’t designed for that.
Mine was prescribed for weight loss as it wasn't coming down much and they considered it as I'm type 2 and it should help on both counts, but no it shouldn't be abused.
Jeff I was 18.9 stone end of July. I’m now 15.5 stone. Im trying to get to my target of 14.5. I spoke to my doctor last week and I have totally reversed my type 2 diabetes and off all the medication. I’m taking that mounjaro and it has totally changed my whole life. But the biggest heath benefit just like a miracle is that Christine’s sore back has miraculously got better too.😂
I was 17st 10lbs new years day I am now 15st 13lbs wully I want to get down to 15st and see what it's like lol
And then come back up Jeff???
That’s similar stuff the one I’m on is pretty new it was designed for diabetics but one af the benefits are weight loss. I started on 2.5mg and it increased 2.5mg every month I’m now on 10mg it was costing £200 per month I didn’t have a problem paying for it but I’m now getting it on prescription from NHS from next month. Totally life changing drug if used properly. Problem is it’s getting some bad press because the young ladies are abusing it for weight loss it wasn’t designed for that.
Very well done wully
Some years ago I was suffering very badly from sciatica. I went to evening classes at the hospital for sufferers and learned the bloomin obvious that all of your weight above the belt line is compressing the lower two discs in your spine. The disc bulges according to the weight on it and presses on the sciatic nerve. Your discs have a blood supply so they can grow with you, but when you stop growing the blood supply is cut off and the discs harden. I thought to myself blow this for a game of soldiers and stopped eating. Much. I recall thinking at the end of one day I have had a plum and a biscuit, that's enough. I lost a stone in a month and then found I could run! Actually run down the street! I carried on not earing much, but I did start eating a bit. One strange, or rather not strange now I understand it is that I got to crave the feeling of hunger. I would sing to myself "Hello Hunger, my old friend. I've come to talk to you again" All day I would think it's my mouth that is hungry, not my stomach so I don't need to eat. Or its my stomach that's hungry, not my mouth so I don't need to eat. After I did eat, I was very quickly full, feeling bad so I didn't eat much. As time went on I gradually started eating more, and returned to my natural body weight which is about 13.5st for me at 5ft 10" tall. I sometimes suffer from the sciatica still and think I should lose some weight. I can walk - I have recently been doing 20,000 steps a day on days on shore from a cruise.
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Some years ago I was suffering very badly from sciatica. I went to evening classes at the hospital for sufferers and learned the bloomin obvious that all of your weight above the belt line is compressing the lower two discs in your spine. The disc bulges according to the weight on it and presses on the sciatic nerve. Your discs have a blood supply so they can grow with you, but when you stop growing the blood supply is cut off and the discs harden. I thought to myself blow this for a game of soldiers and stopped eating. Much. I recall thinking at the end of one day I have had a plum and a biscuit, that's enough. I lost a stone in a month and then found I could run! Actually run down the street! I carried on not earing much, but I did start eating a bit. One strange, or rather not strange now I understand it is that I got to crave the feeling of hunger. I would sing to myself "Hello Hunger, my old friend. I've come to talk to you again" All day I would think it's my mouth that is hungry, not my stomach so I don't need to eat. Or its my stomach that's hungry, not my mouth so I don't need to eat. After I did eat, I was very quickly full, feeling bad so I didn't eat much. As time went on I gradually started eating more, and returned to my natural body weight which is about 13.5st for me at 5ft 10" tall. I sometimes suffer from the sciatica still and think I should lose some weight. I can walk - I have recently been doing 20,000 steps a day on days on shore from a cruise.
45 years ago I was working 100+ hours a week (9 weeks on, 4 weeks off). I had a breakfast but very little else through the day (usually a doggy bag), I missed the evening meal but could have had a warmed up plateful. It was garbage when it was fresh, so I never bothered. I worked this way for 2.5 years and at the end of it I could not eat a full plate of food. My Son was 10 and his portion was about the same amount I could eat without feeling full. It took a long time but eventually my appetite returned to normal. Nowadays I have a belly but that is not surprising because muscle turns to fat, many ex sportsmen have bellies in old age. 45 years ago I had muscles in my spit due to the long hours and heavy physical work.
Why did I do it? because I was making a lorra lorra money (and it was tax free). :ROFLMAO:
45 years ago I was working 100+ hours a week (9 weeks on, 4 weeks off). I had a breakfast but very little else through the day (usually a doggy bag), I missed the evening meal but could have had a warmed up plateful. It was garbage when it was fresh, so I never bothered. I worked this way for 2.5 years and at the end of it I could not eat a full plate of food. My Son was 10 and his portion was about the same amount I could eat without feeling full. It took a long time but eventually my appetite returned to normal. Nowadays I have a belly but that is not surprising because muscle turns to fat, many ex sportsmen have bellies in old age. 45 years ago I had muscles in my spit due to the long hours and heavy physical work.
Why did I do it? because I was making a lorra lorra money (and it was tax free). :ROFLMAO:
Theses things are sent to try us Jim lololol
Theses things are sent to try us Jim lololol
Jeff, I dug into my old photos and came across this one of me in my prime. The Wife and I holidayed in Tenerife over the New Year 1981/82 holidays and booked the Donkey Ride. I have never laughed so much in one day, or been as bruised as we sat on wooden saddles and the Donkeys all squeezed together on the narrow parts of the trail. If they still do them, I heartily recommend it. :ROFLMAO:
