Get well soon, Mark, Northerners on tour ** UPDATED **


Rally Organiser

I have just been informed Mark from Northerners on tour, has fallen off the roof of his van whilst he was cleaning it, he is now in hospital with spine injuries and other suspected injuries awaiting a scan. It would be nice if you could join us in wishing him all the best and a speedy recovery. Mark and Lisa do attend a lot of meets and are a well known to most of this group

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sending our best wishes & thats another excuse i can use not to clean the roof ! seriously hope mark has a speedy recovery and nothing seriously wrong
Sorry to hear of your accident, Mark. Fingers crossed that the damage will be limited to *just* a long period of letting the body repair itself, and the dedicated, if somewhat tough, support of the nicknamed physioterrorists.

Steve and Elaine
That’s awful! and what a shock that must have be for Lisa!

Sending all best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Hope the injuries aren’t too serious and you he has a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear this news Mark, we hope that your injuries are not as bad as feared and that you are able to return to the fold as soon as possible, with or without a clean roof! Hang on in there👍
All the best for a speedy recovery!
Best wishes for speedy recovery MArk.

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