Glasgow LEZ



Here’s details of the Glasgow LEZ. Not due to affect vans till 2022 and probably not a place many would enter anyway, but it will become important not to mistakenly turn off the M8. There are 40+ other areas in Scotland identified as in need of LEZs, which may make touring a bit of a minefield. Certainly plenty seem to get caught out in the ones near the M25.
Worth noting that anything other than Euro 6 will be excluded.
Here’s details of the Glasgow LEZ. Not due to affect vans till 2022 and probably not a place many would enter anyway, but it will become important not to mistakenly turn off the M8. There are 40+ other areas in Scotland identified as in need of LEZs, which may make touring a bit of a minefield. Certainly plenty seem to get caught out in the ones near the M25.
Worth noting that anything other than Euro 6 will be excluded.
I had a look at the map (well, current map anyway. I bet it grows!) and I doubt if anyone in a motorhome would want to go in there as just about nowhere to park.
bit of a bugger though for anyone who needs to pick up bigger items from a shop in their vans (or collect/deliver to their own city centre shops! I bet the business owners will be well chuffed with this!!)
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Not more bloomin' lezzies, them rug munchers are getting everywhere

Oops, that's me banned again
Here’s details of the Glasgow LEZ. Not due to affect vans till 2022 and probably not a place many would enter anyway, but it will become important not to mistakenly turn off the M8. There are 40+ other areas in Scotland identified as in need of LEZs, which may make touring a bit of a minefield. Certainly plenty seem to get caught out in the ones near the M25.
Worth noting that anything other than Euro 6 will be excluded.
My euro 5 came up as free for London when I checked recently!!!!
Bill - would I be correct in assuming that with an EV (not hybrid) there will be no problem in entering any of the planned (or existing LEZ in the UK)? I tried the basic Glasgow vehicle checker which has no option for EV.
Bill - would I be correct in assuming that with an EV (not hybrid) there will be no problem in entering any of the planned (or existing LEZ in the UK)? I tried the basic Glasgow vehicle checker which has no option for EV.

As far as I know all lezs and ulezs allow electric vehicles in freely. The Glasgow checker is still being developed, but it basically excludes diesel other than Euro 6 and petrol before Euro 4, so about 2013 for diesel and 2004 for petrol.

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