Hereford May Bank Holiday Camp ( Please read, as there is information you need to know)

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Rally Organiser

Hereford will be our first camp of the year. Because of the present situation, we are running it as a campsite and therefore more stringent rules will have to be applied.

We all have the responsibility to follow these rules, for our own safety and that of others, as well as to respect Motorhomer's credibility but more than that to respect the Rowing Club for their hospitality.

If you feel that this type of event is not for you please cancel and we will look forward to seeing you at another event later in the year when the situation has eased.

Firstly, the pitches will be marked out as per last year. This should be viewed as your property and therefore Government rules will apply, at the moment 2 families, or not more than six people, this is subject to change depending on Government guidelines.

You are allowed a fire pit but it must be off the ground and obviously, the number of people on your pitch still applies. Please be respectful to your neighbour and check they don't have a problem to smoke before lighting the fire. Please inform us before the camp and also when you arrive, so we can direct you to the section of the site where fires are acceptable.

There are NO showers available on site but the toilets will be open.

The elsan, fresh water and waste bins are still available.

We believe that the Rowing club will be serving food and drinks outdoors. It is most likely that the small field by the river will be the “beer garden” for the rowing club and will have tables and chairs. We will not be arranging any community meals as that would not be allowed.

I hope that we can all have a good time, meet up with old friends and welcome new members but please try and remember the present situation and keep everyone safe.

Payment: can you put the correct money in an envelope with your forum name, number of nights, registration number and total money, then hand it in on arrival.

Please watch this thread for any changes or further information.
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