Hi from Tonbridge


Full Member

Hi Folks, Just joined today and looking forwards to having our camper delivered beginning of September along with all the trips that lay ahead.

Also looking forwards to reading the forum posts and hopefully meeting up on rallies with fellow members. On the subject of rallies, How many on average are there in a year just to give us an idea ?

All the best.
Hi Folks, Just joined today and looking forwards to having our camper delivered beginning of September along with all the trips that lay ahead.

Also looking forwards to reading the forum posts and hopefully meeting up on rallies with fellow members. On the subject of rallies, How many on average are there in a year just to give us an idea ?

All the best.
Welcome to the Forum. Click on the '3 bar' menu at the top lh corner of the page, and then click on Home.This opens up a Rallies Menu that shows those that remain for this Calendar Year(8 or 9 from memory). There have probably been 6 or more held so far this year, it depends on how far you want to travel. We left Scotland on 1st June and attended 2 Rallies at Hollingsworth Lake and Knighton, Stafford (and were booked for Bradstock & Strawberry Fields, but plans changed so we ducked the latter 2 and booked a Eurotunnel to France for 22/6, where it has rained ever since ... But it is warm rain!

Welcome to the Forum. Click on the '3 bar' menu at the top lh corner of the page, and then click on Home.This opens up a Rallies Menu that shows those that remain for this Calendar Year(8 or 9 from memory). There have probably been 6 or more held so far this year, it depends on how far you want to travel. We left Scotland on 1st June and attended 2 Rallies at Hollingsworth Lake and Knighton, Stafford (and were booked for Bradstock & Strawberry Fields, but plans changed so we ducked the latter 2 and booked a Eurotunnel to France for 22/6, where it has rained ever since ... But it is warm rain!

Thanks very much for the info Steve, we will be sure to check them out although to be fair we won’t be going too far until we are used to the van and have kitted it out with our gear. Enjoy France and if it’s any consolation is been raining in Kent a lot today !!
Thanks very much for the info Steve, we will be sure to check them out although to be fair we won’t be going too far until we are used to the van and have kitted it out with our gear. Enjoy France and if it’s any consolation is been raining in Kent a lot today !!
A good way to get used to the Van (and avoid potentially expensive mistakes, because people who HAVE made those mistakes will steer you away), is to join in a Rally. You will be made most welcome and there will be help available in spades. Equally, if you want a bit of quiet time to draw breath, you won't be forced out of your van during the Rally

We imposed ourselves on our first Rally at Hereford on 30th April after landing bleary-eyed from the 0530 Dieppe to Newhaven Ferry and have attended 2 more Rallies since. We feel quite at home, despite ducking much of the evening entertainment, partly because Elaine has difficulty hearing in a noisy environment, and partly because neither of us feels entirely safe and comfortable in a busy indoor setting vis a vis Covid exhalations

Overnighting at Tronvill en Barrois, heading in the general direction of Alsace Lorraine, but will probably change tack and head back towards Troyes to spend time around the Parc Naturel Regional de la Foret D'Orient. The 'plan' will doubtless change again (and again) before we head for home ...

Steve and Elaine
Welcome to the forum! If you are new to motoring ( or even to a new van) it is worth spending a couple of nights "camping" very near home ( some even do it on their driveway!) while you get used to the van controls, and work out if you have identified all the "stuff" you want/need.
HelloJust joined and look forward to meeting up at rallies and reading the posts. Not new to motorhoming but green about lots of stuff, always something new to discover. 🌞

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