"Local" nNoon times vary according to longitude
Daylight (sunrise/set) is equally spread over the "local" noon and is dependent on latitude
Thus as I am sure we know sunrise and sunset depend on both
However a simple guide to noon
The Earth is NOT a perfect but I ignore that
Kilometres are defined via a line of longitude from 0 to 90 degrees (via Paris) (1/4 of the Earths circumference)
Thus 1/4 of the earths circumference is 10,000 km or 6250 miles or 5400 nautical milles
Nautical miles are based on degrees and minutes of change of longitude around the equator
Thus 90 x 60 x 60 = 5400 as above for 1/4
(The Equatorial circumference is slighly greater than the NS circumference !)
We all know the earth rotates through 360 degrees in 1 day
Most time zones are based on a 15 degree change in Longitude which equates to 1 hour
so 1 degree e/w (longitude) change will make a noontime difference of 4 minutes
1 degree change at the equator is 60 nautical miles or 1.15 statute miles = 4 minutes of time
It is possible to use actual distance based on e/w but it gets fussy
Better just compare longitude
Work out the longitude difference and multiply by 4 for minute (ie time difference)

Interestic to note that because of the Earths curvature that Lochmaddy is further west than lLands End although it does not look so on a FLAT MAP