How long was your 'Longest Day'?

Funny about different times in different places. As the crow flies Hull is only around 95 miles away from where I am parked. Yesterday I noticed sunrise was 6 minutes earlier than here and sunset 3 minutes earlier so they got 3 more minutes!
I guess from you Hull must have a higher latitude (more North) and their longtitude is less (more East).

Blame the railways!! (unless those pesky things came along, people had their PROPER local High Noon times)
I guess from you Hull must have a higher latitude (more North) and their longtitude is less (more East).

Blame the railways!! (unless those pesky things came along, people had their PROPER local High Noon times)
Slightly More North and mainly East yes Dave, hadn’t realised it had as much difference due to the short distance. 👍
Funny about different times in different places. As the crow flies Hull is only around 95 miles away from where I am parked. Yesterday I noticed sunrise was 6 minutes earlier than here and sunset 3 minutes earlier so they got 3 more minutes!
95 miles from Hull? Now that’s taking social distancing to extremes . Lol
As the crow flies, more like 105 in the van 😂😂😂
I’ve been home just over a month. Think we’re starting to get on each other’s nerves. Social distancing has it’s plus points 😀😀😀
Light to half ten here but then im further west than any of you,then again it light early in the mornings for you over there in the east.:)
Just remember ... May get more sun then you southerners now, but come December, daylight here will be just a distant memory
Just remember ... May get more sun then you southerners now, but come December, daylight here will be just a distant memory
You're not kidding, here in Westray it's about an hour, well okay maybe a slight exaggeration.

I'll make a note in my diary and post my reading for the winter solstice.

Today (June 21st) is meant to be the longest day, and curious to know how long your own Solar Harvesting day was?

For those who can tell (e.g. @St3v3 , @RAW and maybe others), post the time your MPPT Controller turned on this morning and went off this evening - and your location (to get an idea how north you are).

My controller - around Coldstream - went on at 04:49 and off again at 22:05 - a day of 17.25 Hours.
Another system I can monitor in Aberdeen went on at 04:21 and off at 21:47 - 10 minutes longer as further North (and an earlier start and finish as further east)

How do yours compare?
21st June
on 05:30 and off 21:28
So 17hrs and 58mins - But may have been parked under a tree !!
Shows on as around
i promised in post #9 that I would post my solar readings at the winter solstice. I’m a week early as we‘ll be using the van next week and charging the battery from the alternator will influence the solar charge readings.

So, although there is no time stamp, these screenshots represent charge status based purely on the solar (as the van has been stood for a couple of weeks).


Day before

Very short days, many of which are wet and overcast. I suppose I’d best get off my backside and plug in the EHU!


5 hours 40 mins is longer than I expected, but I think some light is picked up when we think of it as dark outside :)
Currently here light after 8am and dark before 4pm but will soon be darker for longer :(
Just been reading through this thread and looking at the Victron images. How are you people getting a V Max reading of 35-45 v? Mine only shows around 20v?

Just been reading through this thread and looking at the Victron images. How are you people getting a V Max reading of 35-45 v? Mine only shows around 20v?

View attachment 57824
You have a single "12V" panel or "12V" Panels connected in Parallel
The people showing 35-40V will have either a "24V" panel, or two panels connected in Series (12V + 12V = 24V)

Note - a "12V" panels runs at appox 20V max; a "24V" panel runs at approx 40V max
but only for 8 days !
Then summer starts ????
I was optimistic with my "After 8AM" daylight!
This is the daylight yesterday - NO solar radiation until AFTER 9AM. And gone by around 3:30 PM

PS, those numbers ... 0 to 25?
bear in mind that the quoted power for a solar panel is for a Solar Radiation value of 1,000W/m2 and I am seeing an absolute peak of 30. So at the very best, a solar panel would reach 1/33rd of the rating = 3.3W for a 100W Panel (oh - and the sensor reading that solar radiation is also pointed due south AND angled at around 60 degrees whereas the typical MH solar panel is flat). So any thinking Solar works in the Winter ....
You have a single "12V" panel or "12V" Panels connected in Parallel
The people showing 35-40V will have either a "24V" panel, or two panels connected in Series (12V + 12V = 24V)

Note - a "12V" panels runs at appox 20V max; a "24V" panel runs at approx 40V max
It’s just a single panel. The whole lot was bought as a kit from onboard energy using the forum discount code 😀
"Local" nNoon times vary according to longitude
Daylight (sunrise/set) is equally spread over the "local" noon and is dependent on latitude
Thus as I am sure we know sunrise and sunset depend on both

However a simple guide to noon
The Earth is NOT a perfect but I ignore that
Kilometres are defined via a line of longitude from 0 to 90 degrees (via Paris) (1/4 of the Earths circumference)
Thus 1/4 of the earths circumference is 10,000 km or 6250 miles or 5400 nautical milles
Nautical miles are based on degrees and minutes of change of longitude around the equator
Thus 90 x 60 x 60 = 5400 as above for 1/4
(The Equatorial circumference is slighly greater than the NS circumference !)

We all know the earth rotates through 360 degrees in 1 day
Most time zones are based on a 15 degree change in Longitude which equates to 1 hour
so 1 degree e/w (longitude) change will make a noontime difference of 4 minutes
1 degree change at the equator is 60 nautical miles or 1.15 statute miles = 4 minutes of time
It is possible to use actual distance based on e/w but it gets fussy
Better just compare longitude
Work out the longitude difference and multiply by 4 for minute (ie time difference)
Interestic to note that because of the Earths curvature that Lochmaddy is further west than lLands End although it does not look so on a FLAT MAP

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