How old do you feel?

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Despite the aches and pains of course, and Liz being five years youngerer than me I think 35-45 would be about right, still as daft as ever and would still like to do things, always up for a larft.
I'm still waiting to grow up, but suspect that if it were ever going to happen, it would have occurred by now. I still value the delight of visiting a place for the first time and the sense of wonder and awe at its beauty. Still rush [well, a rushed hobble] to the water slides in swimming pools, or to the Rollercoaster [put my back out in Yokohama in 2018 because Japanese people are so much shorter, and being crammed/folded into the ca, with my neck & head angled like Quasimodo wasn't the best to experience the 360s ...

I delight in the puerile and have always been in trouble for making inappropriate responses in a joking manner to topics that are supposed to be serious. I act as though I'm an overgrown teenager, but move with the grace of a recently buried grandad. Still, mustn't grumble ... :oops:

Ancient at present, way older than my 66 years.
Heart condition playing up at present, it’s a genetic condition which unfortunately I’ve passed on to some of my children and grandkids. Fortunately their condition has been found early so on drugs to control it before any damage is caused unlike yours truely. Arthritis badly effecting my hands and hip, Raynauds syndrome in my feet which happens every winter, grand kids highly amused when my toes turn purple lol !
Non of the above stop me getting on with life, still go fishing, long dog walks everyday etc, etc.
Full of cold at the mo so feel like shit!

Normally I'd say I'm in my 30's. I am only around half a stone heavier at the moment, than I was at age 21 and still do vigorous exercises for 1- 1.5 hours every day I can (not with a cold though). I also delight in repartee and quick wit and also try and do puzzles in the newspaper every day to keep my brain sharp.

Since I had a bad bout of covid coming up on 2 years ago now, I have noticed though that I have developed brain fog.
If I thought about it much, which I don't, I'm aged somewhere between 5 and a 105. The latter when I have a grotty bug as currently. Can still be in entranced by something apparently insignificant but beautiful and in awe of things I don't understand or haven't seen before. I can also veer from complete confidence to feelings of complete inadequacy like a bloomin teenager. Have a total sense of the ridiculous but can laugh at myself the loudest. So all in all I reckon I'm ageless; until I feel 105!
Still full of cold so feel around a 100 at the moment :poop:

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