In board gas tanks

Jezport;n18402 said:
I have a 25ltr LPG tank under my PVC, I also have a BBQ point and gas valve to cut the tank off in my old gas locker which I can also connect 13KG gas bottle up to as extra capacity if required

Did you fit that our yourself, or have it done somewhere? If so - which company did it?
Re a back up bottle - as far as I know, if you have an external BBQ point you can connect a gas bottle (via a regulator) to that you feed the entire gas system from that. We intend to do that with our Camping Gaz 907 Cadac cylinder should we ever need to. I've not actually tried it but have been told it works well.
They specify the tanks and bottles as WATER Equivalent ie it take so many litres of water to fill it up then that is the volume so the gas cuts off a 80%
This was the 38ltr tank I fitted four year ago from autogas 2000 .I was lucky as I only had to buy the tank my mate had all the other bit I needed for the job so only cost me £209 quid for the tank .

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