Internal blinds


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I've been given a set of internal blind of Jim (maingate) not sure what they are off but I can bring them down to Hereford if anybody has a use for them they are free to good home lolol.
I had them in my Ducato based motorhome (2003 model). They also fitted a 2006 Renault Master motorhome.
I fancied a new blind in my Motorhome. Was thinking about making my own though :unsure:

Just wondering, how do you make a Venetian Blind?

Poke his eyes out!

(just tapping into my inner Marchie there :D )
And if you want to know how to make a Maltese Cross, jump on his toes ... And if you pose the question, 'What's a Greek Urn?', you'll get the reply 'About 7 quid a week after tax' [which qualifies that alleged joke for inclusion on the next Antiques Roadshow] :ROFLMAO:

And if you want to know how to make a Maltese Cross, jump on his toes ... And if you pose the question, 'What's a Greek Urn?', you'll get the reply 'About 7 quid a week after tax' [which qualifies that alleged joke for inclusion on the next Antiques Roadshow] :ROFLMAO:

And to continue the jokes (often heard on the TV if watching "The Colditz Story") ...

"My Wife went to the West Indies"

"No, she went of her own accord"

(I still think that is funny :) )

The conversation continued ....

"For her next holiday, she's off to one of the coldest states in America."

"Which one?"
"Don't bother. I'll ask her myself."
And to continue the jokes (often heard on the TV if watching "The Colditz Story") ...

"My Wife went to the West Indies"
"No, she went of her own accord"

(I still think that is funny :) )

The conversation continued ....

"For her next holiday, she's off to one of the coldest states in America."
"Which one?"
"Don't bother. I'll ask her myself."
Switching tack to 'I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again', 'Who was that terrapin I saw you with last night?'
'That was no terrapin, that was my old teacher. She tortoise ...'

And [non-PC], 'Hello, I is Man Friday'
'Ooh, what are you the rest of the week, Ducky?' :ROFLMAO:

The Show that contained the 'Man Friday' joke, part of a deliciously silly Robinson Crusoe Sketch [circa 1967/68], was possibly the most non-PC ever broadcast on BBC Radio, and brought howls of complaint. Looking back, it had, by modern standards, dollops of racism, misogyny, sexism, a skipload of innuendo, and could not be broadcast today. And that is a shame, because the jokes were masterclasses in pun writing, that would now be regarded as racist, sexist etc by virtue of the puns!

From the same episode:
'How do you circumsize a whale'?''Send down four skindivers'

A little boy wanders into the bathroom whilst his Dad is taking a bath

'Daddy, what are those for?'
'Four???!!!' :ROFLMAO:

I've been given a set of internal blind of Jim (maingate) not sure what they are off but I can bring them down to Hereford if anybody has a use for them they are free to good home lolol.
It would be hood to have a look Claire might be able to use them.
I think the Maltese cross joke must be the first one I ever heard.

Q, How do you make a Maltese cross with two matches.

A, Stick one up his jumper and light it with t'other.

Just tried then in mine are fit ok I can bring them down toHereford for you if yiu want?
Yours is self built Geoff so wouldn’t it be more on what size the windows are rather than Van make/model? I am assuming these are cassette type blinds not freestanding

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