Internet Price Increase


Full Member

Shell are obviously not making enough profit on the energy side of the business, so they have increased the Internet & Landline tariff [hidden amongst some 29 pages of figures and Tables] by 36.3%, even after granting a Loyalty Bonus of £8.96pm. The latter means that the price rises from £37.99pm to £51.78pm, but the email said that if I phoned, there might be a cheaper deal. First;ly, I object to such sharp practice, and, secondly, when I phoned to cancel, I was on hold for over 20 minutes before being connected to an Agent who told me his system was down and he couldn't help me ... 36.3% price rise and they can't afford to employ enough staff to answer the phones, or buy a system that actually works ...

So I decided to cancel the Internet & Landline Package and use the Mobile instead, saving £37.99pm. Wouldn't mind, but I've paid for 5 months this year when the service has not been used, relying on the Mobile Data whilst swanning about in the Motorhome!

Still a bloody minefield is t’internet broadband gagee thing. We have Plusnet and, in keeping with the other thieves,
the in contract increase is RPI+3.9%. That means they get a massive increase in income for doing nowt.

Nice work if you can get it…


Still a bloody minefield is t’internet broadband gagee thing. We have Plusnet and, in keeping with the other thieves,
the in contract increase is RPI+3.9%. That means they get a massive increase in income for doing nowt.

Nice work if you can get it…


Moved from Plusnet to Shell, because the latter didn't have 'CPI +3.9%'; didn't think it would be a damn sight more than that! :rolleyes:. Twitter is overflowing with complaint about the poor service and the price hike

Didn't know Shell did telecoms. over £50 sounds a hell of a lot for internet and phone.

FWIW, I pay £28.50 for Sky Broadband Superfast (60Mb service) and Landline with no call package (allows people to call in, but always use Mobile to make calls). I think in your position I would do just as you are thinking ... get a Mobile Broadband setup which you use at home and take with you when you travel (or PAYG and just cancel if abroad for extended times where a local SIM is better value).
I have just renewed my broadband and anytime calls package with Now Broadband
I have what they call Super Fibre - 63mbps - all for £21 / month.
I believe this package has just been increased to £22/ month
The consequence of ditching the Internet Package and losing the landline is notifying all the organisations that you deal with of the change of number to just a mobile service. Some organistaions are happy to take details by phone, others require emails some require account creations via the website etc etc. All very time consuming, and quite frustrating, as a 'We've sent you a verification code' message interrupts the completion of the next notification, and/or the 'you need to renew your password' because you're contacting the organisation for the first time in years. One Pension company I had to telephone to make the change held an email address I stopped using in about 2006 ... :rolleyes:

The new SIM for the new mobile Service Provider also arrived today, so activated that and sent off the PAC Code. Fingers crossed they don't make a pig's ear of the switch like Giffgaff did, resulting in the latter having my business for 1 day followed by 4 days of sorting out via their Complaints Process!


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