Is anyone planning on travelling to the Continent soon?


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From next Monday I believe, international travel will be allowed from the UK.

Is anyone planning to take their MH across the Channel (or down to Spain) in the immediate future?

I believe France and Spain are both on the 'Amber' list regarding travel rules.
We hold an Irish Ferries booking for Dublin/Cherbourg carried over from 2020. I am not sure if it can be carried through to 2022. At the start of the pandemic they carried bookings forward for use in 2021. We got a refund on one trip immediately and opted to carry the second forward to this year.

We will not seek to visit France until September at the earliest, and only then if we feel confident of the conditions and believe that we would get enjoyment from it.

We may opt to convert the ticket from France as the destination to Holyhead, the prices of the Ferries are remarkably similar considering one trip is 18 hours with cabin and the other is 3 hours!

Most years we do a trip to Holyhead and then visit some C&CC temporary holiday sites and CLs. This may become our main holiday this year assuming no deterioration in the situation. In fact we were doing this in March of 2020 and had to cut short and return home when the restrictions first were Announced.

We’ve booked the tunnel for Late September. We had to use our Tesco voucher code before it expired. Planning a couple of weeks around the Lot or a bit further south depending on the weather. But still have the option of moving the date to as late as next April if necessary.
Hello all, i will be possibly in July but that is depending on the quarantine rules in the Netherlands. Currently its a 10 day going there and a 10 day on the return. If that changes then I will be. Not taking any risks, it is due to work requirements And will be staying away from the built up areas as possible.
We are still hoping for a trip to France in September and travel arrangements are booked (and moveable). We figure there is a chance that France will have things under control by then and we will be double jabbed. We would only contemplate quiet areas that we know and that wont be crowded. Our other booked trips have been pushed on to next spring.
We live in hope. We've usually gone to Spain for 3 months over the winter, and like many have a voucher to spend before it expires. If all goes well then set off beginning December, but who knows what things will look like by then.
I'm guessing you got a years extension if its a tunnel ticket?

I booked our last trip at the end of August last year for January this year. then had to change it to May. I then rang them and they extended it's life for a year by way of a credit voucher, and emphasised that the trip only had to be booked by the end of the extension period not actually undertaken, which probably adds another 6 months to it's validity.
Our ticket was with BF and I have to book before spring '22 so there's a fair bit of leeway and I can always book and then amend.
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From next Monday I believe, international travel will be allowed from the UK.

Is anyone planning to take their MH across the Channel (or down to Spain) in the immediate future?

I believe France and Spain are both on the 'Amber' list regarding travel rules.
I just want to give some quotes from the Gov website as I think people believe it is ok to go on holiday to amber list countries or that they do not need to quarantine if they pass through them without stopping.

You should not travel to amber list countries or territories for leisure purposes

Private vehicles or coaches travelling through amber or red list countries and territories​

If you are travelling to England in a private vehicle, the rules of the countries and territories you drive through apply. For example, if you drive through an amber list country, then you must follow the amber list rules when you arrive in England.

This applies whether you stop in the country or territory or not. You need to record the countries and territories you drive through on your passenger locator form.

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