Is this refillable cylinder ok?

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Not seen one like this before, I've been offered it at a good price but no good if I can't connect it to the existing system with 1 x 6kg Calor.

Not sure what else I'd need to have a remote fill through the locker wall it's a long time since I did one.


Yes it's refillable you will need to get a filler from a gallows or gasit dealer and a tail to connect it to your regulator.
Lovely, cheers Lee.
No, the pictures are crap, I've not had to fit Gaslow only Gasit, and the top looked a bit more complicated.
these look similar, but it's a two bottle kit.

My next problem is I need the hole saws & arbour as mine appear to have disappeared when we moved, I'll have to see if I can hire them from somewhere.

I did ask and he can't see a date, but they were new 2 years ago.

I've not seen on any forum since 2007 anyone actually replacing them though.
The date stamp should be on the collar (yours don’t have one) or the base ring. 2 years old sounds good.
looks like a number one different isolator on no 2 , it’s not a lifespan of ten years it’s get it checked every ten years by a certified tester this from gas it site ,
GAS IT refillable bottles and tanks lifespan depends on how they are looked after and also what the company doing the 10 year recertification find, because we know of some customers of ours who bought gas bottles and tanks back in the late 70's and 80's and they were still working fine for years.

Under UK law, privately owned end-user owned refillable gas bottles or gas tanks now need to be legally tested every 10 years as normal exchange type gas bottles are and we can't stress how important this is. It's more important with your privately owned bottle because when you buy it then is less likely to have been looked at afterwards by an experienced gas bottle or tank expert there after. With calor type bottles every time they are filled they are visually inspected
Not a lot of places offering the service though.
from further down same page
If you don't want to get the bottle or tanks recertified ( contact us for an up to date list of companies in the UK and EU doing this service ) but want the easier way of just replacing your gas bottle or gas tank after 10 years with a new one, then if you return your 10 year old bottle or tank to us here at GAS IT HQ we will arrange to scrap your old GAS IT bottle or GAS IT tank in a safe and securely manor ( free of charge as we have for over 40 years ) but we will also do you a special 10 year replacement bottle or tank price.
from further down same page
If you don't want to get the bottle or tanks recertified ( contact us for an up to date list of companies in the UK and EU doing this service ) but want the easier way of just replacing your gas bottle or gas tank after 10 years with a new one, then if you return your 10 year old bottle or tank to us here at GAS IT HQ we will arrange to scrap your old GAS IT bottle or GAS IT tank in a safe and securely manor ( free of charge as we have for over 40 years ) but we will also do you a special 10 year replacement bottle or tank price.
How old is that info Ken, I thought GasIt no longer do cylinders, only underslung?
Gasit still sell cylinders, loads on ebay too.
I ended up buying new used ones were just too much and some had very little life left officially although I imagine they never get checked until something bad happens and the insur ance look for a way to escape paying out, so I'm good for ten years, good price too, I just forgot to get the French adaptor, no biggy.

The POL adaptor is on the bottle with the white tape on it, so you simply swap the one off the Calor back and forth as need be, I just hope I can find my Starrett hole saw kit.


Not used one in France or anywhere outside the UK so this short video answered all my questions, although the actual gun connection could have been clearer but I'll figure it out.

Bloody adaptors aren't cheap are they, any cheaper in France?

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See what I mean about used ones


the only problem is refilling in the uk as they are falling by the wayside but some Morrisons still sell it . as we only tour in Europe we dont have a problem . this is our setup & our setup in France & Spain cheyenne

I don't see it as a big problem as I'll have a calor as backup, so 12 litres should be enough to find a fill up unless we're in ROI.
Hole saws discovered, double checked the locker and loads of room to fit the fill, high enough so no bending just a pain it's the other side from the diesel filler.

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