Lap cushion tray thingy


Full Member

Does anyone use one of those cushions for the lap with a built in tray on the top of them? We want to get the FiL one for Xmas.

I used to have one years ago, quite good but you need to make sure it is horizontal for food, due to it being a cushion that can bunch up under them and be lop sided.
I used to have one years ago, quite good but you need to make sure it is horizontal for food, due to it being a cushion that can bunch up under them and be lop sided.
Too true, Kev! For us too, the tray cushion/cushion tray [Tommy Cooper Fez enters stage right ...], is an item from a bygone age, but a useful item. especially with our having removed the Dining Table to give more floor space and ease of moving around

Too true, Kev! For us too, the tray cushion/cushion tray [Tommy Cooper Fez enters stage right ...], is an item from a bygone age, but a useful item. especially with our having removed the Dining Table to give more floor space and ease of moving around

I imagine it could be a handy item for a camper as can compensate well for a slope. Not got one now, but have used in the past and (y)
We have a large table in the garage at home out of the van but it's too cumbersome so I got one of these when I did the self-build and a new one each time we bought another van, the first one we bought was only £7 big enough for two standard size plates and good enough to play cards and doms on too.

We have a large table in the garage at home out of the van but it's too cumbersome so I got one of these when I did the self-build and a new one each time we bought another van, the first one we bought was only £7 big enough for two standard size plates and good enough to play cards and doms on too.

Those are known in the trade as a "Marchipult". Got excellent range and dispersion features.
Nah, ya lost me David.
Steve can explain - and probably demonstrate with a cup of coffee :)
It was actually 2 cups of coffee, David, and a 4.8 from the Judges for the attempted swallow dive between the front seats ... :D

For Kev's benefit; David and I removed the Fixed Dining Table to make access for the Inverter fitting easier, and I subsequently bought a pair of Vango Folding Tables. A week ago Sunday, I suggested that Elaine and I take our afternoon coffee out to Brunhilde, so that I could finish the Tank Descaling before it went dark. Tripped over the [very lightweight] table and knocked both full cups of coffee, and tried to ram my head between the cab seats, muttering 'Gosh, how unfortunate, Mr Kinnel ...

The 1/2 roll of Blue Paper that you left me, David, to wrap the Fixed Table for transport came in very handy ... (y)

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Oh dear, I hope you didn't injure yourself too much Steve
Used to use one for my netbook & protable DVD player years ago when I had a smaller van with no easily accessible table. Very handy. I wouldn't have risked putting a mug of coffee on it though 'cos they tip easily when you move.
Used to use one for my netbook & protable DVD player years ago when I had a smaller van with no easily accessible table. Very handy. I wouldn't have risked putting a mug of coffee on it though 'cos they tip easily when you move.
I know now, Caz! :D But the Table will serve as a Coffee/Dining Table, so I just need to control my size 9.5 feet ... Not helped by having Raynaud's Disease so the sensation at the end of my toes is almost non-existent

Not heard of that one Steve, I get similar but it's not that but type 2.
Thanks all - very useful, cheers (y)
The cushion tray thing. I think they’re brilliant!
But....make sure you get one that’s stuffed with the little polystyrene balls rather than one that’s just a cushion.
That way, when the stitching splits, you, and the 2 subsequent owners of your M/Home can be picking up the polystyrene spheres for years to come ... :D

Too true, Kev! For us too, the tray cushion/cushion tray [Tommy Cooper Fez enters stage right ...], is an item from a bygone age, but a useful item. especially with our having removed the Dining Table to give more floor space and ease of moving around

No necessarily (said in fiendish voice), I have one in the van that was marketed as a laptop tray. Same tray top with bean bag cushion under but has addition of a usb powered light you plug in your laptop when using it.

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