Lithium batteries

Gives me something to think about now.
Will wait until I am nearer the installation time while also noting the above comments.
I know you are sorted, but thought I would expand on my comment about one particular advantage of dual batteries rather than a bigger single one .....

Added the 2nd 300Ah battery this afternoon. These batteries are 522mm long - the locker happens to be 1044mm long. A very happy co-incidence which allowed us to have two of these end-to-end (with a lot of muttering and groaning to get fitted admittedly as the door to the locker was NOWHERE NEAR 1044mm long!).

600Ah of Lithium Loveliness
by David, on Flickr
(If you are questioning how there can be a gap between the batteries, there are mouldings at the top that protrude and but against each other)
multiple batteries:
1) each is lighter so physically easier to install
2) could be easier to position in the available space
3) if one fails, still have power from the other
4) doubling up on the available charge/discharge levels

single battery
1) almost certainly cheaper than a pair of batteries each half the size
2) less cabling so cheaper to install

As an example of multiple #2 - installed a 300Ah LFP in a Cathago about a week ago. Fitting an additional 300Ah LFP in a couple of days.... There is no way a single 600Ah battery would have the right form factor to fit in the space available, but the two 300Ah butted end-to-end will fit (with around literally 2mm to spare).
I am about to fit eight 304Ah LFP cells into the battery box of my Carthago. Because the BMS is separate, eight cells are a perfect fit into a standard Carthago battery box. There enough room at the back to route cables for heater mats which I place underneath. Even with some thin insulation (I am using cork matting), the exposed position of the battery box means that supplementary heating will be required in winter to prevent the BMS stopping charging at sub zero temperatures.
I know you are sorted, but thought I would expand on my comment about one particular advantage of dual batteries rather than a bigger single one .....

Added the 2nd 300Ah battery this afternoon. These batteries are 522mm long - the locker happens to be 1044mm long. A very happy co-incidence which allowed us to have two of these end-to-end (with a lot of muttering and groaning to get fitted admittedly as the door to the locker was NOWHERE NEAR 1044mm long!).

600Ah of Lithium Loveliness by David, on Flickr
(If you are questioning how there can be a gap between the batteries, there are mouldings at the top that protrude and but against each other)
No hold down straps, very dangerus in a accedent.
22v ?? Do you mean 12 or 24v? Think you will need an engine hoist to get a 608ah in.
What is your current setup?
Can your existing dc to dc and solar chargers work with lithium?
Do you know the load of all your electrical devices?
I've got 2, 12v 280ah Fogstar batteries in parallel. Very happy with them. My back wouldn't maneuver anything bigger.
I use an induction hob and microwave mainly for cooking but do have a gas oven.
I could be stationary and off grid for a good 5 days.
Batteries are charged via a 30a dc to dc charger and a 360w solar panel.

Recommend 2 smaller batteries in stead of 1 big one for ease of fitting plus a bit of redundancy in case one fails.
Son had issues with his 2 Roamer batteries and they had to be returned. Roamer collected and returned each battery in turn as he was living in his van and couldn't be completely without power.
Yes I did mean 12 volt the time I spotted my error I was unable to edit the text.
After reading all of the above and noting that two batteries are better than one it has has been noted.

So I am now thinking one battery to start with and then see IF I require another one so instead of one enormous battery I will most likely go for a first battery of around 300 amps .

And see where we go from there .
No hold down straps, very dangerus in a accedent.
Yes Trev. Horrendous. Except you have NO idea what is secured and how from the single picture posted.

Remember how you made the same comments to Marie with her battery and had to eat your words when more info was shown?
From a warranty pov, I wouldn’t be too concerned if it was just a year or three, I doubt many of the current outfits uk or anywhere for that matter, who are buying in cells, plastic boxes and a BMS from china will be in existence in 5 let alone 10 years.

Just think how many double glazing or solar panel companies spring up and disappear virtually overnight. So although useful to have especially in the first year or two beyond that it might be a bit of a lottery, especially if the warranty is return to base.
Lithium conversion I

I am about to start the lithium battery conversion in our very old Moho..

Forum member Wildebus ordered a number of items for me to complete the task including designing a system specifically for my motorhome for that I am very grateful and thank him ..

I found the conversion very easy following instructions from member Wildebus ..

I would recommend him to anybody who was looking for a lithium conversion or advice?

I can’t see why anybody would go anywhere else. He kept returning the many questions of emails until I fully understood.

A step-by-step guidance installing one cable at a time . Will be easy to follow From A to B Wildebus could if I had so wished to travel would have carried out the conversion after arranging a fitting instal date I am sure.

The reason I went for a self install was so if anything goes wrong at a later date that’s another item I am sure I could repair or replace.

Soon I would have updated my Moho and need so far no other updates so now fully ready for the times yet to come.
But if there is an electrical upgrade I will without doubt be going to David
Thank you David..
Another thought

Two 280 amp batteries Will I need 2 Victron smart charger 12 volt 50 amp battery chargers ..

Or. Would just the one do the job .. have a new one ready to fit.
When I start next week
Another thought

Two 280 amp batteries Will I need 2 Victron smart charger 12 volt 50 amp battery chargers ..

Or. Would just the one do the job .. have a new one ready to fit.
When I start next week
One would usually be sufficient. The two batteries 'present' themselves as a single battery bank and the charger doesn't know/care if it is a single or multiple batteries.
single battery
1) almost certainly cheaper than a pair of batteries each half the size
2) less cabling so cheaper to install

As an example of multiple #2 - installed a 300Ah LFP in a Cathago about a week ago. Fitting an additional 300Ah LFP in a couple of days.... There is no way a single 600Ah battery would have the right form factor to fit in the space available, but the two 300Ah butted end-to-end will fit (with around literally 2mm to spare).
I would add
3) those with not much knowledge of testing will know which battery is faulty in the case of failure :D

Thanks just thought I may need another one but that’s great a fair bit of a cash saving now.

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