
Snap we have 6 bags of logs and 3 of kindling. Plus our big umbrellas incase of rain. 👍we are at Builth Wells for the night just had fish and chips 😋😋
Hi Annie are you in the car park near the river I spent many a night there in my trucking day hauling timber to the saw mill just up the road from there, there was some good pubs there
Hi Annie are you in the car park near the river I spent many a night there in my trucking day hauling timber to the saw mill just up the road from there, there was some good pubs there
Yes I am it’s a great place for an overnight.
loaded up a box with some firewood can’t find my gauze fire pit anywhere i’ll have to start looking for something else it’ll turn up then lol , at hereford now helped lee mark out the pitches we’ve made 80+ 80m2 pitches still got loads of ground spare reasonably firm as long as no one attempts wheelies , will take a stud as we used to say in my playing days!

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