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The M1 south bound is a huge carpark tonight major crash 8 police cars 3 fire engines 2 ambulances might be a bit late getting to Abingdon.
Tv crew just flown over look for the van with the huge solar panels on the roof on the news I waved lol.
There is something really satisfying about sat in the M1 in stationary traffic and being able to get up go for a pee knowing all the other female drivers are bursting ????
Got stuck on the M5 in the summer when a load of cows went walkabout - very satisfying to sit there eating ice creams out of the freezer.
the A500 near Stoke has been closed all day due to fatal accident and the M6 also has had lane closures, its been a nightmare up this end.
Hope you get to move before much longer..

you could make a few pence offering tea and coffee........
Bet Annie's got the fire pit glowing on the hard shoulder :Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:
I have this every day on the M60 and M62 , I have road rage at least 8 times every hour , there are no driving standards any more on these motorways , just every man or woman for themselves , you would be surprised how many cars pull in front of my 45 tonne waggon then brake sharply to get off at the next junction , I just pray that when the inevitable happens I don't kill anybody
*****;n6396 said:
Been there got the T shirt Jeff, even had one pull out of a slip road from a standstill, when I was bearing down at about 50 mph, fully loaded with petrol chemicals and all lanes rammed full! They have no idea!

Bet your pants were rammed full as well Graham :poop_Emoji:
That is the problem to many drivers just don't know about the physics of HGVs and there stopping distance and speed restrictions
I had the same about 4 months ago , I was in the middle lane of the motorway checked my mirror and pulled into lane 1 and crunch , there was a car in my blind spot and I crushed the drivers door and part of the roof luckily the driver was ok , He also was a lying git , he said I was overtaking him then pulled in , you should have seen his face when he realised my waggon has got a 360deg CCTV system and when the police showed him coming from way back and then undertake me , don't think he will do tat again
*****;n6396 said:
Been there got the T shirt Jeff, even had one pull out of a slip road from a standstill, when I was bearing down at about 50 mph, fully loaded with petrol chemicals and all lanes rammed full! They have no idea!

The Spanish are funny on slip roads on to motorways , they fooking stop when they get to the end ?
Oh and if you are on a motorcycle that is the scariest thing I have ever done they either open their doors or close the gap if you dare to filter up the lanes ?
Well guys a 3 hour journey took 6.5 hrs nearly 3 hrs just stood on the M1 I even let the lady in the car next to me use my toilet poor thing she was desperate lol I did tell her no number 2s and tissue in the bin not down the loo, my van my rules .:Tears_of_Joy_Emoji:
Hope everyone is okay
well have made coffee and cooked bacon sarnies on m5 left the slier open and s,me;; wafting down motorway got some comments lol

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