Man dies in Motorhome fire!

I have heard conflicting reports about this incident , some say the fire was started deliberately by thugs , others say it started inside the van , still not a very nice outcome
Highlights the need to be careful with heating of any type. Never leave on while sleeping might be a good idea....
a mate of mine has a 7 month old £110k motorhome kate had noticed a funny smell for couple of days after sitting in the van for a couple of hours te noticed a guttering( their description ) noise coming from under the fridge after ripping of a panel found it in flames , lucky escape couple of hours they would have been asleep would have been a different outcome, phil is a chef & landlord of my local as he says first thing at work is fire escape lines evacuation but he’s never given a thought to it in his leisure vehicle
I live only few km away from this. Latest reports are the police are searching for a man who was seen to be setting light to a mattress outside the motorhome. The owners were not in it but came back and saw him. The male owner went inside to try the rescue some personal effect and did not get out. Hi wife received 3rd degree burns to her legs.
Police say they are close to making an arrest.
Very sad but if true that man re-entered the van it does remind us how quickly fire can spread and to resist the urge to try to retrieve belongings.
As fire service say get out, call us out and stay out.

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