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I am neither buying or selling but if I was this is where I would come.
Okay then so will I >>>>>>>>>>>>>?
I am not selling mine or buying another one - we seem to have got it right first time for the planned usage. However, if I was going to buy/sell then this is where I would look!
Fairy Lights...have you put Queenie on as a separate post??? Good luck......:Slightly_Smiling_Fa
Why don't you do the medical? Not trying to be nosey, Martin took his no bother despite heart attack
Lovely van Graham,I don't think you will have any problems selling it.A shame about cancelling the winter trip-what van are you looking at to downsize to?
*****;n5279 said:
Thanks again Steve.
To be honest there were a few reasons why we cancelled our winter trip, no one on it's own was significant. We did have to cancel our Autumn trip through medical issues, and the winter trip was a knee jerk reaction to having a window to get away, but when we thought about it seriously, we were limited to just a 7 week tour which makes the ferry and fuel to southern Spain and Portugal expensive for such a short time. Obviously the longer a person can go the more cost effective the journey is.
Then on top of that, we felt we would be sat in the van through more dark hours and wet days. We have for a few years, since retirement had a Spring and Autumn tour and this works for us. The Winter tour was to be a trial to see if we liked it, and when we really thought about it, we would not get the same enjoyment as we do like to BBQ and eat out doors in good weather.
Then onto of that, the concern about the house!
What a ramble!

Quite similar to our situation Graham.We have been to Spain and Portugal for the last couple of years over the winter period and enjoyed it.Since mrs wakk had heart problems and the pacing device fitted it's been one long round of hospital and doctor's appointments meaning that we could only get away for a maximum of around 6 weeks which,as you say,is not really cost effective for a trip of that nature.
As we like to get some decent weather to break up our long and sometimes harsh winter we have booked for 3 weeks in the canaries during february.It is still warm over there even at that time of year and when we get back there will be an english spring and better weather to look forward to.

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