From the beginning I planed an air conditioner for the sleeping area but after looking at the prices, I gave up. I wasn't going to pay around 2000€ for a rooftop air conditioner that must run on shore 230V or special
inverter. I like to go anywhere and don't condition my stay on the availability of 230 Vac so, an alternative had to be found.
Looking around I found a nice little
Inverter Drive portable air condition from LG with 8500 Btu/h which would only draw a maximum of 910 W and this is a variable power draw since the
inverter will only run the compressor needed speed so, I had the power for it. Ordered it online for 450€ and when it arrived, it was a little bigger than I expected. This meant that I had to find room in the garage and a connection for the hot air to the outside.
Found some space above the rear wheel but the 200 liter tank was in the way. Had already noted that the visits to the service station in my case is regulated by the cassette capacity and not water, I could reduce the main water tank to half the size. This meant that I would have a long and low space and not the short high space needed

The aircon had to go through some surgery
Tested everything was working before removing the covers and compromise the warranty and then, the warranty went out the door
After a close inspection I found that would be very easy to transform it from skinny tall to shorty long. The top evaporator (cold) side was separated from the bottom condenser (hot) and the fans were totally enclosed so, I made a sled and carefully positioned the two parts without damaging teh pipes. I was prepared to cut them and refill the gas but it wasn't necessary
These units come with a flexible pipe to blow the hot air to the outside. Air from the inside is blown through the condenser to cool it and blown outside. In a big room, this isn't much of an issue but in a small camper, this would mean that a vacuum would have the inside air replaced by hot outside through probably the van's vent to the outside.
2 grills to the outside were opened on the side and some water protection channels were added. The cold air generated was enclosed in a "box" where the conduits route the air through 2 vents over the bed and below the bed trim to the cabin. The hot air output was in a awkward position so a little enclosure was made.
As a bonus, the aircon is online and I can monitor the ambient temperature and switch it on when we leave the beach and arrive to a cool van