New Project?


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Browsing around looking at vans and saw this fella ....

Now maybe an awkward colour scheme to deal with? but maybe not as I have been looking at orange and yellow VWs anyway (e.g. ex RAC and AA Patrol Vans) for a new addition to the stable - or should that a new addition to the reserve? ;)

So maybe a combination of Zebra and Tiger?


:love: :love: :love:
Looks alright, but deep down you want a 7.5t ;)
Well actually yes, but no. Space would be great but I don't think I would like the fuel consumption.
Well actually yes, but no. Space would be great but I don't think I would like the fuel consumption.
Do you think the fuel consumption difference be that much to worry about.
If you get the van and space you want?
It's always a compromise, how many miles do you do in a year?

Do you think the fuel consumption difference be that much to worry about.
If you get the van and space you want?
If you say you wanted to do a bit of a European Tour I think it could make a big difference? For example, I took my 1.5L Petrol Car to Spain one year, and then a couple of years later took my 2.0L Petrol car with permanent 4WD to the same place. I noticed how often I had to stop for fuel. I then took my car (now a 1.5 Diesel) to the Italian Lakes a few years later and the difference was dramatic.
So rightly or wrongly, yup I reckon fuel consumption difference would be noticable and for my purposes, the extra space of a 7.5t would be brilliant BUT in truth not really needed.
something that also is on the back on my mind is this current situation with the DVLA regarding the inability to get them to reclassify conversions. If you have a 3.5t van then the impact is pretty minor and of little consequence, but if you are in the realms of an HGV size vehicle you could potentially get caught up in the world of HGV VOSA tests, Tachographs, etc. It probably won't come to that, but what a bummer if you spend a lot of time and money doing a conversion and it still gets regarded as a truck?
something that also is on the back on my mind is this current situation with the DVLA regarding the inability to get them to reclassify conversions. If you have a 3.5t van then the impact is pretty minor and of little consequence, but if you are in the realms of an HGV size vehicle you could potentially get caught up in the world of HGV VOSA tests, Tachographs, etc. It probably won't come to that, but what a bummer if you spend a lot of time and money doing a conversion and it still gets regarded as a truck?

Tacho is an easy declaration, hgv mot is a bit more expensive, but apparently less 'picky

Phgv tax is quite low I think.
Tacho is an easy declaration, hgv mot is a bit more expensive, but apparently less 'picky

Phgv tax is quite low I think.
Easier not to get involved with the complication - especially if you want to use your vehicle for any kind of work. If it is officially a Motorhome, then that is fairly simple to deal with, but a 7.5t truck that is still officially a commercial vehicle falls under the auspices of VOSA/DVSA, inspections, operators licence, proven maintenance schedules and fleet managers (even if just one vehicle!). It is just easier to avoid the discussions rather than argue the points (as when it comes to vehicles the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' seems to be reversed). Life is too short to fight needless battles.
A different toy for different adventures, sounds good to me! So spec to suit but if you have the time and inclination the planning will no doubt take longer than the actual building as the plans will constantly change as you go? Zebra would look okay with a few windows to break it up though.
For a larger vehicle maybe it would be better to get a larger one that is already registered as a motorhome to save the hassle and just modify it?
Geraldine does 22 miles to the gallon. But just think of the savings of not having to pay camping site fees.
A different toy for different adventures, sounds good to me! So spec to suit but if you have the time and inclination the planning will no doubt take longer than the actual building as the plans will constantly change as you go? Zebra would look okay with a few windows to break it up though......
You mean like this?

Look Ma, No Step
by David, on Flickr
Wouldnt a 7.5 tonne truck with windows and door , grills decals etc be more likely to get a reclass as you never see such things hauling freight
Wouldnt a 7.5 tonne truck with windows and door , grills decals etc be more likely to get a reclass as you never see such things hauling freight
Who knows? Conversations are being rejected and the REAL reason is not clear, so there is likely (IMO) an ulterior motive behind this. Bear in mind requests are rejected for vehicles that are identical to both ones that were fine months before and ones that look externally identical to brand new out the factory motor caravans.
Who will be the first to know about a 7.5t conversion? (Actually, I think it may be yourselves?)

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