New to motorhomes after 20 years caravanning


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Hi - just joined this forum and thanks for having me! We have caravanned across to France for the past 20 years - and are making the move from caravan to motorhome. Hoping to get lots of advice and direction on our choice of purchase - thanks for your advice and encouragement!
Welcome to this humble band of eejits, we too 'vanned for years after tenting for even more, then we saw the light 15 years ago and got our geriatric tin tent, but Europe has so much to offer to motorhomers, so find one that fits what you are used to (we did) and enjoy the new horizons.
Wise move.
There's more to life than lugging a shed on wheels from boring campsite to equally boring campsite.
Have a look at our sister website..
You'll be amazed at what you have been missing.
Wellcome aboard.
I’ve just gone back to a caravan after 12 years of motorhoming ! Will be buying another motorhome either this or next year but to be honest enjoying having the car to venture out to places once parked up that are inaccessible with a motorhome. Only use small CS sites, wouldn’t dream of using large commercial sites. Still wild when I travel up to Scotland as I know loads of poi’s where I can fit my small caravan into and never use ehu as carry a large power station.
You won’t find a better bunch of helpful people who have a wealth of knowledge regarding anything motorhome related.
We caravanned for years too. My argument was: :But you have to lug everything around with you all the time". But then we found that rather than being a chore, that is what makes it so good. We can up sticks in five minutes, travel wherever we want, even to places that there are no sites and park up. (As long as you are mindful of local bylaws and restrictions.) We always have a toilet to hand, can knock up a meal if there is nowhere to buy and with our fixed bed, I can have a nap listening to the rain falling on the roof!

So although having a vehicle to gad about in is nice, we have never needed one, we just park for as long as we have places to explore and move on. We were stuck on the UK M11 for four hours after getting caught in traffic resulting from a crash. We had the loo, we made something to eat, we had tea and coffee and got the folding chairs out and sat in the sunshine. It can be done with a caravan, but certainly not as easy.

Welcome to the site