One For The Ornithologists ?


Full Member

We have a Hoopoe freshly arrived in the valley.
The locals call him a " Poo-poo.
His call is mostly 4 regularly spaced poos. Every now and again, he puts in a 5th one, again perfectly timed. Less frequently, just 3 poos but it's as if he's reading sheet music.
I asked Management if it was possibly a code?
She replied that it was probably just looking for a shag.?
My Question is ...
Do Shags migrate to the Algarve at this time of the year. ?
Hoopoes always remind me of Judges ... At school, I gave up Biology after Year 2, my Physics Teacher told me not to bother taking it at O Level because I would be wasting the examiner's time, and I got a Grade 9 O Level Fail in Chemistry because there wasn't a Grade 10. But I did study Latin and Ancient Greek, and the latter included studying 672 lines of The Birds by Aristophanes, so I do have an affinity with the Hoopoe. I can also read the product details in Lidl ... OK, so can everyone else if they look a little higher up the label for the English text ... :rolleyes: :LOL:

We have a Hoopoe freshly arrived in the valley.
The locals call him a " Poo-poo.
His call is mostly 4 regularly spaced poos. Every now and again, he puts in a 5th one, again perfectly timed. Less frequently, just 3 poos but it's as if he's reading sheet music.
I asked Management if it was possibly a code?
She replied that it was probably just looking for a shag.?
My Question is ...
Do Shags migrate to the Algarve at this time of the year. ?
How do you know it is not a cormorant eh?, the shag that is not the hoopoe.
I’ve always been a Parus man myself. Great, Blue. All beauties.
Isherwood seems to be implying that they are the same, they are not. As I understand it the shag has a shaggy look to the feathers behind the head whereas the cormorant is smooth. Saw one on the Bude canal having the greatest difficulty swallowing an eel. It managed it in the end but had a live eel wriggling about in its gullet for ages.

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