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There are as many opinions as there are people to voice them. From my standpoint though, I was raised as a left footer, so when I die I will go to purgatory (even though Christ died for our sins, Catholics still feel the need for some kind of punishment) and then when I have served my full term, discounted with the various plenary indulgences that I have earned, I will then go to one of the many mansions "in My Fathers House". But the conflict is that it the soul that leaves the body and then the "ashes to ashes, dust to dust " bit kicks in !!!! The Catholic Church now accepts cremation, full stop. Oh I do hate religion. I am a Christian, and for all its faults and contradictions, I accept the Bible as the inspired word of God and feel that if, when we die, bits of us are still working and are of use, there is a reason for this, so why not pass on the gift of life to someone who's need is greater than the deceased ?? As an aside, there are two people who can now see through my late father in laws eyes and there will be folks in the future who may be able to live more fruitful lives thanks to my fathers body being used as a research tool in the lung and prostrate cancer field. I realise that I have left myself wide open to flack, and I agree that there will always be ways to abuse the system, but surely that would be minimal when the greater good is considered.
Right........I'll pick up mi toys and go and find the corkskrew

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