Out of date food stuff.

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Out of date food stuff.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMXWI99PCGc We have a new business opened here in Southampton selling products that have passed their sell by date, we decided to go and have a look today and was amazed to see the amount of foodstuffs they had on offer, much of it out of date by only a few weeks and sold by the case very cheaply, we bought a case of lemon Marmalade [Tesco brand] 12 jars for £3 .most of the items are well known brand names in perfect condition, it is amazing how much food gets thrown out , so would you buy these things, must admit we are programmed to think YUK no way , but hey ho it must be a god send to some people .
I'm sure I seen something last week that they are changing the labels as there is so much waste! And as you say it will be a god send to some!
People can get to obsessed with dates on food , display until, best before, and use by , if it looks and smells ok eat it. That’s what we did years ago didn’t have a fridge when I was a kid. Never been hungry some folk .
Absolutely love it

what a load of rubbish

my kids are glued to it

they never bought butter ,ham , bacon cut off a huge slab at the corner shop

it’s rubbish , things that mature with years have a sell by date

whatever happened to if it smells OK it is Ok

and cheese, if you eat it by it’s sell by date

more fool you

it ain’t matured

news feature on tv the other week.....coop selling out of date food for 10p.........dont know if its all their stores or a selected few.........good idea with the shop in southampton selling by the case/box.

when i was growing up we had a larder with stone slab...(no fridge) most things apart from tinned items were kept there.....NO SELL BY DATES....NO USE BY DATES........

big pan of stew would keep going for a good few days......no food waste.. apart from peelings and the like.......in fact they went to make a mash of some kind for the chickens.........
a;; these dates are purely for marketing......go by smell, taste, looks..........WASTE NOT WANT NOT...... dont be brain washed,

The only time I ever look at a use by date is when buying bread so I get the freshest available, I'm using marmite that's three years past its date,with another jar yet to open. If it looks dodgy or smells dodgy then let common sense prevail. I did see a food program earlier this year where they compared a can of fish from an early Antarctic expedition to a freshly bought one,there was no difference in nutritional value,I think the tin was over 80 years old. Providing tinned food is sealed and in good condition then there shouldn't be any deterioration,anything else is just common sense.
I have stuff in my cupboards that I know is past it's best before date. I havn't killed myself yet.:biggrin:
Trigger;n12101 said:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMXWI99PCGc We have a new business opened here in Southampton selling products that have passed their sell by date, we decided to go and have a look today and was amazed to see the amount of foodstuffs they had on offer, much of it out of date by only a few weeks and sold by the case very cheaply, we bought a case of lemon Marmalade [Tesco brand] 12 jars for £3 .most of the items are well known brand names in perfect condition, it is amazing how much food gets thrown out , so would you buy these things, must admit we are programmed to think YUK no way , but hey ho it must be a god send to some people .

Why do the supermarkets get rid. If as you say "most of the items are well known brand names in perfect condition" They are not in business to get shot of foodstuffs cheaply if they are in perfect condition . They are not in perfect condition they are past their best. If they were in perfect condition they would be still on the shelf in the supermarket.
Can't wait for more of these places to open up, we hate to see waste, in anything, and am not ashamed to say I would buy from them. Co-op started selling some of their out of date stuff at 10p each, good on them, when one supermarket does something the other big names usually follow suit. I shop at Tescos on an evening to get their Speciality breads just as they are being reduced - usually £1.60 down to 16p, -and before some say about it being stale, its bought maybe minutes after someone who's paid full price! It freezes lovely.
last week bought some reduced SELL BY large container of milk.........7 days later (today) still using it ........not even on the turn yet...........

saw a tv programme where they tested many , very much out of date products .....and found there was no change in the product and was perfectly safe to consume .....

they also went on to test food and drink which stated ...used within........days of opening........and everything they tested wa still in good condition well after .....days of opening.....except for the pesto sauce .
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There is significant profit for retailers and manufacturers in getting us to throw away perfectly good food and buying a replacement. I'd have no hesitation in buying and using out of date cans and jars of food. Fresh food is a bit different and as others say use your senses of smell, sight and feel. Don't be afraid of buying limp green veg that is marked down, for example, try triming the dry stem of a head of limp broccoli and placing the broccoli head in a cup of cold water for an hour or so - hey presto fresh as a daisy!
Totally agree that food is still ok by it's sell by/use by date and beyond.
I like the idea that this move is to help stop food waste. I thought charities collected this stuff on a regular basis for free and distributed it to those in need.
Being a cynical type....
A suit with an abacus has worked out that at 10p a can (Insert favourite supermarket here) can make (Insert number here) instead of giving it to a charity.
They are depriving people in need while boosting their profits.
My guess is if you are shopping there anyway you don't need the out of date bargain price, the price we all pay for anything includes the supermarket throwaway of out of date stuff.
Supermarkets are not struggling... people are.

Maybe a thing of the past

moves to centre n best before rather than use by

not before time

Tim120;n12186 said:
Totally agree that food is still ok by it's sell by/use by date and beyond.
I like the idea that this move is to help stop food waste. I thought charities collected this stuff on a regular basis for free and distributed it to those in need.
Being a cynical type....
A suit with an abacus has worked out that at 10p a can (Insert favourite supermarket here) can make (Insert number here) instead of giving it to a charity.
They are depriving people in need while boosting their profits.
My guess is if you are shopping there anyway you don't need the out of date bargain price, the price we all pay for anything includes the supermarket throwaway of out of date stuff.
Supermarkets are not struggling... people are.

The Supermarket in question (East England Co-Op) tried giving the food away but nobody bothered. Then they tried charging 10p and there was a queue to get it. If you don't believe me (I saw the TV News item myself) then look it up yourself.
we go to smithfield sunday market in manchester, and there are several stalls that sell out of date food, usally the top brands that i would think twice about buying, most of it 6 items for a pound, crisps etc, probally 3 for a pound, they are over a pound a pack.,when we had a business we were told ,if the tins were fine the food would be fine, but cream etc use within a couple of days, and that was from the proffessionals.

i come from the old school, going to the market, and buying butter etc straight off the slab, and wrapped in greaseproof., and it never did us any harm.

dont know whether i should sign my name because if my kids read this they would be mortified, nothing even a day out of date in their cupboards.

the funniest that ever happened was one night i bought bread and pies from morrisons,live opposite so know most of the staff, and going through the till the lad on the tilln said, are you having a party, when i asked what made him think that, he said, well how will you eat all that bread and pies before midnight......when i said i would freeze it, he was shoocked, you cant do that it will be out of date.........

Google The Real Junk Food Project it's a cafe in Pusey Leeds that has fed over10,000 people using over 20 tfood thrown away by supermarkets you pay what you think the meal was worth, it started a worldwide movement against such waste.
maingate;n12194 said:
The Supermarket in question (East England Co-Op) tried giving the food away but nobody bothered. Then they tried charging 10p and there was a queue to get it. If you don't believe me (I saw the TV News item myself) then look it up yourself.

Found the news article, at least they made an effort to give it away.

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