


Hello, Just interested, before I hit the Buy it Now button, if any of you have used Collinite 845 as a Wax / Polish. It is seemingly used for the hull of ships and was highly recommended by a friend, yes I really do have one! Please let me know your views. Cheers Sandra (ALSO)
Do you really have a ship ?

Will one tin be enough for it ( the ship) ?
Don’t forget to let us all know how you get on with this wax

will you be applying it by hand ?
I use autoshine waterless wax that is really easy to keep it spick and span even while away.
Occasionally wash with hose long brush or rinse down heavy dirt grime but find this stuff works really well and is quick & easy.
I use Colinite 476 which is a paste wax and lasts longer between applications, 845 is a liquid wax and is easier to apply but needs doing more often, it does make it shine though and easier to wash
Another user of 476, just make sure you have a good supply of foam applicator pads, not that they wear out it is easy to drop them and when they have wax on they can pick up grit. Just wash them off and the grit comes off.
Another user of 476, just make sure you have a good supply of foam applicator pads, not that they wear out it is easy to drop them and when they have wax on they can pick up grit. Just wash them off and the grit comes off.

I use car wash place at the top of my road... wash and dry then liquid polish and buff for £10.00. Cant beat it.

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