Poorly van


Full Member

Well I broke down on the M54 on route to Oxford, whining noise smoke from exhaust then oil light came on and it went into limp mode pulled onto hard shoulder immediately had to be piggybacked home most who I have spoken to think it’s my turbo that’s packed in what’s your thoughts and are we talking 0-500 £s or 500 - 1000 £s or is it lots ?
Hope it's something simple, like an injector, Annie.
Fingers crossed.
I think Turbos are pretty cheap, but it is the fitting that can cost the big money depending on what needs removing first to replace them. So fingers crossed Ford (think you have a Transit?) are sensible in their engine bay layout.
Annie turbos are now exchange units which has brought the price down compared with years ago ,what is costly is labour as the intercooler and all pipes will have to be really well cleaned out only and only when it’s up and running an assessment of the vehicle will then have to be carried out .not wanting to be a kill joy but it won’t be that cheap I’m sorry to say
I'm really sad to hear about the problem with your Moho, Annie.
Try not to worry just yet but get expert analysis and advice. Only then will you know how to move forward and how much it will cost to fix.
Everything that it's possible to cross is crossed at this end for you. I hope things turn out far, far better than you fear.
Thinking of you,

Colin ???
I'm really sad to hear about the problem with your Moho, Annie.
Try not to worry just yet but get expert analysis and advice. Only then will you know how to move forward and how much it will cost to fix.
Everything that it's possible to cross is crossed at this end for you. I hope things turn out far, far better than you fear.
Thinking of you,

Colin ???

Well said Colin .. fingers crossed etc
Oh that is a real b****r. Hope it gets sorted for way less than you think, and that you are back on the road again soon.
It sounds as if you've avoided the big danger with turbos which is when oil seals pack up and the oil goes into engine and acts as fuel causing catastrophic runaway.
Turning ignition off does nothing and unless you can stall the engine within seconds it's toast.
If the turbo has broken then as others have said the intake system will have to removed and cleaned to ensure there's no debris waiting to get ingested - the same for oil system where sump removal to check for debris would be prudent.
The sevel engines have very easy access to the turbo on the back of the engine.
Anyway I hope it's not too serious and you are soon back on the road again.
Can’t offer any additional advice, but really sorry to hear about this. Hope it’s sorted easily and soon.
Yes in themselves turbos aren't that expensive - obviously they best time to replace them is before they fail!!
Which is a lot easier said than done ?

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