posh breadcrates


Full Member

looking for drainage channels at home came across this the price is for a meter sq

Travis Perkins and Wickes et al sell gravel grids for around £6-7 each. They are around 50cm x 50cm. I carry two for when we have to camp on grass just to give some initial traction if the grass gets wet.

Might be good, as long as it's not too muddy when you'll really struggle to get them back out of the ground. I have a feeling, from memory, they might not be too flexible either, so might break. Worth a go though, for a few quid.
Yes not too good if too muddy as they will sink in. Its normally enough just to give some initial traction to get moving on wet grass.

I have had to replace one of mine in the last 6 years or so as it started cracking at one end due, as you say, to them being rigid plastic. I also carry a pair of Milenco tracks which are around 3-4 foot long from memory, plus a set of these...

which I have had to use once with very good effect. I would recommend them

I also carry a 6t towrope which I have also had to deploy once (prior to buying the grip track)

Toolstation have them for £4.48 each 50x 39cm...rediuced from £4.98

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