Rack mounted Bike Covers


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Lots of options around. Simple question... are the branded ones worth 2 or more times the price of the cheap ones?
Examples ....

Cheaper one - https://amzn.to/2RvzeAD for £21.65

Fiamma jobby - https://amzn.to/2H8Cgcj for £49

Now I know I have compared 2 bike and 4 bike covers but I don't think the price varies much for a given cover between 2 and 4 bike ones

So ... false economy to get the cheaper (maybe thinner? weaker? more affected by sun?). Or are the expensive ones just a rip-off?
Despite the extra cost I am drawn to the Fiamma version as everything I have bought which is Fiamma badged I have been pleased with the quality.
Had that grey fiamma one lasted two years they tear in a way you can’t repair it just rips like a piece of paper once punctured. Can’t say anything for the other one.
Had that grey fiamma one lasted two years they tear in a way you can’t repair it just rips like a piece of paper once punctured. Can’t say anything for the other one.
I noticed there is a standard Fiamma one and a "Premium" one. The premium one is quite a bit more than the standard one.
Try Bags4everything they"ll even make you a custom fit job. They did one for me,fits like a glove and really good quality waterproof material.
I noticed there is a standard Fiamma one and a "Premium" one. The premium one is quite a bit more than the standard one.
I had the premium version and despite it being thick and heavy ( and awkward to put over two bikes) it lasted a year before it went down the tip.
The elastic cords lost their elasticity, two of the hooks broke and holes started appearing all over it.
Now, we don’t use one
Very mixed reviews here!
I wonder if I might be better off making my own? I have some heavy duty vinyl (from the old sidewall of my gazebo I sold) and could just cut that to the exact shape I want and use some kind of cold welding type adhesive probably?
My Fiamma one gave up the ghost after about 5 years... with repeated repairs and patches over at least half its life. I haven't replaced it yet, so I'm interested in recommendations too :)
I am still using a Tailormade cover that must be about eighteen years old. We now have a towbar rack so I have sewn the slots up that allow it to go over a Fiamma rack. If you do go the home-made route I would recommend machine sewing the edges and using a 'leather' needle to do it rather than only relying on a glued/welded joint.
I would use a motorbike one, they are usually well made (y)

Very mixed reviews here!
I wonder if I might be better off making my own? I have some heavy duty vinyl (from the old sidewall of my gazebo I sold) and could just cut that to the exact shape I want and use some kind of cold welding type adhesive probably?
You've inspired me to give it a go too! I've ordered some cheap waterproof fabric - polyurethane canvas with a waterproof coating on one side. I'm going to stitch it and then go over all the seams with a waterproof seam sealant. Worth a try... if it doesn't work out, I've not lost much money and should have a bit of fun doing it :)
You've inspired me to give it a go too! I've ordered some cheap waterproof fabric - polyurethane canvas with a waterproof coating on one side. I'm going to stitch it and then go over all the seams with a waterproof seam sealant. Worth a try... if it doesn't work out, I've not lost much money and should have a bit of fun doing it :)
Let me know how you get on. I would get some old material (maybe a old bedsheet?) to use to get the right sizing so a ready template to transfer over.
The "proper" covers do sound like they are very thin and flimsy :( I have a normal cover like those for my road bike that goes over it - but not for on a rack, just freestanding - and while that has been sound, it doesn't suffer the rigors of being exposed like on a rack.
Let me know how you get on. I would get some old material (maybe a old bedsheet?) to use to get the right sizing so a ready template to transfer over.
The "proper" covers do sound like they are very thin and flimsy :( I have a normal cover like those for my road bike that goes over it - but not for on a rack, just freestanding - and while that has been sound, it doesn't suffer the rigors of being exposed like on a rack.
Could you not use your 'normal' cover as a pattern and then cut any slots in the back to go over the bars at the back - or are you way ahead of me?:)
Could you not use your 'normal' cover as a pattern and then cut any slots in the back to go over the bars at the back - or are you way ahead of me?:)
that would be a very good idea :)
I hadn't thought of doing that actually, maybe as the [electric] bikes on the rack are different to the road bike with the cover but it could be a good starting place to get an idea.

Could work out well for minisorella as still has the fiamma rack to copy as a pattern.

Excellent suggestion there (y)
Many, most? Do NOT cover high value bikes on a rear rack. That's why our ebikes are inside and you are putting a heavy bike a long way behind the rear axle so do check the loading.
Many, most? Do NOT cover high value bikes on a rear rack. That's why our ebikes are inside and you are putting a heavy bike a long way behind the rear axle so do check the loading.
I talked about this with my insurer a few days ago. My bikes are covered on the my household contents rather than my van insurance.
We keep our bkes in the "garage" (it's a boot). Cover or no cover, on the rack at the back is a poor place to carry bikes. Even though this van has a built-in bike rack on the back, I think we're used it twice in nine years.
We keep our bkes in the "garage" (it's a boot). Cover or no cover, on the rack at the back is a poor place to carry bikes. Even though this van has a built-in bike rack on the back, I think we're used it twice in nine years.
Good for you :).
Not very useful if you don't have a "garage" though ?
We keep our bkes in the "garage" (it's a boot). Cover or no cover, on the rack at the back is a poor place to carry bikes. Even though this van has a built-in bike rack on the back, I think we're used it twice in nine years.
A bike rack is the best place when it's the only place though :)

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