Rallies 2025


Rally Organiser

I have noticed this year that most of the Rallies have not had as many attendees as in the previous years, I was unsure if it was because of very few new venues coming through or members getting fed up with the same venues every year, or people just getting fed up of the rallies, all the rally organisers and admin put a hell of a lot of work trying to make the events successful I for one don't mind the small rallies as they seem to be a bit more personal and just like the rallies we used to have in the early days, perhaps gatherings are the way forward were members can arrange their own little meet with friends, and fewer rallies organised on the forum. At present, me and Lorraine have decided this is the time for us to have some time to ourselves and next year we will only be doing a couple of meets throughout 2025, this is not because of the dwindling numbers in rally attendees, it was planned a couple of years ago. We have had some fantastic rallies with fantastic members, and who knows what 2026 will bring?
Jeff and Lorraine thanks so much for everything you have done and all the work you have put in I love your meets and always enjoy myself with your relaxed attitude.I will miss your rallies next year but will be happy in the thought that your off somewhere enjoying life well done. Think like everything right now there’s a bit of a hangover effect from the Covid thing and this cost of living crap has moved all the parameters people don’t have a clue what they’re doing from one week to next. All the best. Wully Christine
We enjoy te Rallies and try to attend as many as we can fit in. Unfortunately, life [and pots of coffee] has got in the way over the last 2 seasons, causing us to cancel reservations. We are still limited to 60 days Unoccupancy Cover for our B Listed Flat, and have had to cancel Rye RFC Rally this year because of the need to be in France for the anticipated sale of our hovel where the latest possible Completion Date would have taken us to Day 59, which would have left an afternoon to drive from the Vendee to Scotland plus te time for the ferry crossing.

If all goes to plan, we will sell the flat, buy a modern box on a housing development, and be able to stay away for 90 days at a time, as well as saving on ferry fares/diesel/servicing etc. That's IF all goes to plan, and very little has so far in over 3 years of Motorhome Ownersip ... :ROFLMAO:

Totally respect and understand your decision to take some time out for yourselves, Jeff and Lorraine. I am always in awe of the patience of rally marshalls and of the effort that goes into planning and delivering great meets. I truly hope that you get the 2025 which you both richly deserve. As for interest in rallies I would go to all of them if family life didn't get in the way (should be at Strawberry Fields now but family health emergency caused us to come home early). Grandparent duties now exclude us from committing to many of the rallies. Best wishes to you both. Mick and Teresa
i have always appreciated the work the pair of you do running a meet but this year is my first being involved getting a meet off the ground i am in awe of the way you make it seem so effortless, for the last couple of months i have been loosing sleep mulling over what do i need to do what could go wrong etc i’ll certainly be glad when it’s over , including bavaria & warners we are lucky enough to have 15 meets offered us this year 8 of them thanks to your efforts 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Hi Jeff and Lorraine. We totally understand the need for some time to yourselves to enjoy life. Everyone appreciates the time and effort you put into arranging these wonderful meets...,.we certainly don't envy the stress it puts you under!!!!! Enjoy 2025 doing what you want to do. Thank you so much Jeffcand Chris xx
All the meets are great no matter who organises them and we all appreciate the time and effort that goes into the planning and running of the meets and I think we can all understand that stepping back and taking time out for yourselves can be a good thing for your own wellbeing, as for dwindling numbers of attendees I think a lot of us are of an age where hospital appointments and family issues and life in general just get in the way of having fun so a big thanks to Jeff and Lorraine, Lee and Linda, Sue and Martin, Lairdy and Meg and not forgetting our little parking attendant Del (Trotter ) without your efforts these meets would not be possible.
Jeff and Lorraine we hope you enjoy whatever you decide to do in 2025. We enjoyed your meets and company, in this and in previous years, and hope we may do so again in the future.
As Marchie said life has a habit of getting in the way for all of us, meaning that we can't manage to make as many meets as we would wish. Everyone involved puts in a great amount of time and effort, I don't know how you manage it!
Sharon & Phill x
Thank you to all the organisers! I would be on every meet if possible. I don’t like to book in case I can’t commit…
In process of changing van so that’s something to look forward to.
I do have a problem using website getting around it. Rallies are booked up months ahead. I’ve not been able to commit that far ahead… sometimes I can do last minute if someone drops out. Is there a waiting list. Thank you all. X
We are very grateful that you are still going to organise a couple of Rallies next year Jeff. Life wouldn’t be the same without a ‘MossyMeet’ to look forward to.
Having done the odd Meet or two in the past, I know exactly how much work and preparation goes into a well-organised Meet and frankly I have been amazed by the sheer number of Meets that you manage to oversee during the course of a year. It must have taken over a large part of your life and be wearing you both out.
Don’t feel guilty taking a step back, we all appreciate and applaud your joint efforts, and it’s now time to find time for each other and generally slow down.
It’s early days, but Rallies, be they large or small, will find a way of being organised, especially if more members keep their eyes open for suitable venues.
So on behalf of all our Rallymaniacs, Well done and the biggest Thank You ever!
Agree with everything that’s been said- thank you so much for all your hard work- we enjoy all the rallies and have made some lovely friends. Thanks to you both for all your help and support. We will miss your rallies but will no doubt be meeting up with you guys somewhere soon
Thank you Jeff & Lorraine for your efforts and time. I have enjoyed many a rally (and your quizzes). Unfortunately for myself the ambulance service changed our shift patterns at the end of 2023 and now I have to work 3 weekends out of 4. I obviously get the same time off but it is now midweek. Hopefully there will be a weekend off that matches with the rallies in the future
Big thnks to all the organisers of the meets, especially you Jeff and Lorraine!! I always look forward to getting away to them…..and appreciate the hard work etc that goes into it all. But you too need a break, so enjoy a bit of a rest and some time to yourselves xx
Well done - you deserve a break - we’re in awe of the number of rallies you have done this year. There’s a lot of blood sweat and tears that goes in to locating, negotiating and then organising a rally. To our astonishment we have discovered over the last two rallies that some members think we are paid for what we do - we are not! It is all voluntary and we appreciate any thanks we get, we are happy if you have enjoyed your time away with us.
Sue & Martin
Many thanks for all your hard work and support over the recent years. We have always enjoyed your rallies. Yes, I agree, there has to be a time
when you need to put yourself first. It's not selfish but sensible. Hoping you have many happy and safe years of travelling.

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