Rallies 2025

Well done and thank you Jeff and Lorraine for all the hard work you put in to make the rally's run smooth, can't be easy. I've certainly enjoy the few rally's I have attended, I know what it's like to be tied up.
I decided to retire at xmas thinking I would have more leisure time on my hands, but my son bought a new house project, that has totally tied me up this year, since coming back from Spain.

They have had to move into our house while we get theres habitable, hopefully by the end of this year we will get our life's back and get to some more rallies, but unfortunately children and grandchildren come first, now looking after them for the summer holidays. Hopefully we will catch up with you on our travels.
Love going to the meets but work commitments this year has stopped us from doing as many as we would like, also working in education I’m stuck as not many meets dont fit in with the holidays and those that do are when we are away,
Love going the the mossy meets especially new year, you both deserve a break xx
Your decision to not do as many meets next year, is going to punch a great big hole in my plans for next year.
I hope you realise that I’m going to have to think for myself. Not a good thing.
The brain I parked up when I finished work, is going to be kick started. I can almost hear it creaking already.

I suppose I could organise a meet or two. There’s several sewage works locally.

* The brain. Whilst not exactly brand new. I have it on good authority, it has rarely been used.
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Thank you to all the organisers! I would be on every meet if possible. I don’t like to book in case I can’t commit…
In process of changing van so that’s something to look forward to.
I do have a problem using website getting around it. Rallies are booked up months ahead. I’ve not been able to commit that far ahead… sometimes I can do last minute if someone drops out. Is there a waiting list. Thank you all. X
You will find that most of the rallies have a reserve list, this is normally at the bottom of the list of attendees
Thanks for all your hard work Jeff and Lorraine, I’ve always enjoyed your rallies as you are so welcoming.
I haven’t been on any rallies this year due to parental responsibilities.

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