Rear springs

schnauzer bandits

Full Member

Hi had new rear leaf springs fitted a few weeks ago now found out day before I go away they are bottoming onto the bumber stops, is it still safe to drive?
Hi had new rear leaf springs fitted a few weeks ago now found out day before I go away they are bottoming onto the bumber stops, is it still safe to drive?
I would go to a weighbridge and check you are not overloaded.
If they are ridding on them all the time there is a problem. (Over loaded or wrong springs fir weight of your van.

They are just to stop the suspension bottoming out .
When suspension is under pressure on pot holes and bends ...
Many years ago I fitted bigger rear spring and extenders to lift my van.
On my Transit they were large yellow cone shaped rubbers that looked like bump rubbers but were actually spring assisters, I replaced them with air bags.
Thanks to all for replying, the vehicle is a burstner nexxo on a standard transit chassis the mechanic who fitted the new springs now says they should be larger but I've had the motorhome for 13yrs and no problem before only changed because the mot showed slight wearing on the bushes. Should have left well alone.
Found a firm in Manchester who could upgrade for me.
Thanks to all for replying, the vehicle is a burstner nexxo on a standard transit chassis the mechanic who fitted the new springs now says they should be larger but I've had the motorhome for 13yrs and no problem before only changed because the mot showed slight wearing on the bushes. Should have left well alone.
Found a firm in Manchester who could upgrade for me.
I have a Transit based Nexxo T660 as above I changed to air bags, could I ask you why you needed new springs?
My Fiat Nexxo T660 , I had airbags fitted to eliminate the bump stop/assisters and improve the ride. Something else to look out for as the rear hangers have a modified rubber bush and link to prevent a very annoying squeak. I did mine a few years ago. The modified bush is shown in the left with the failed units on the right 0705D102-7B03-456F-BA7C-80413CC8C071.jpegC0276523-CA42-4394-8673-802014C2B5F4.jpeg99BAF090-218E-48F4-8B4C-126009575FB4.jpeg

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