Registration Numbers

I like to have a laugh at those morons who have a reg declaring BMW or whatever, obviously unaware that BMW put a badge there already, even funnier are those where it looks like they transferred the plate to another make of car.

I had P69 YUM for a while on a new bike.
I've bought a few cars with private reg numbers, I always put them on Reg Transfers web site a couple have sold for good money, I had an Audi A6 with A6 on the plate, that went for over £2k, I only paid £1650 for the car.
Had a honda 4/4 with 4004 on plate which was sold for lots to a bike dealer, and a moped given to me with sab 99, got £2400 for it and went to an ice cream van in England. :)
I saw BE55 BUS on a Bessacarr in France a few years ago.

We had V1 AML which came on our first Aston which we flogged for £2000 (the plate that is not the Aston).

Your first Aston, your smugness is hanging out G :D :D :D
Yeh sorry about that
I may need to reappraise my thoughts about you mate.
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Seen at Leverburgh ferry terminal tonight... a twa* from the SAS? I thought they had to be quiet about it?
An aunt who lived in High Heaton owned a mini with registration GMS 1.

She left it in her will to a young lad who had been her gardener, which I thought was a lovely thing to do.

It now sits astride a Bentley, and I assume the gardener made himself a few bob. Why would he not? :)

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