Replacement Rooflights


Full Member

Replacement roof vents with blinds and screens for a roof aperture of 480 x 480mm. Has any one changed theirs? The existing ones are MPK, I think, and rattle like mad in a good breeze. So far the only modern MPK ones I can find specify a 400mm aperture. This on a Hobby 750FML.


Thanks for that Gordon. It'll go in the mix but I was hoping to get away from that type of lid which vibrates a lot. Fiamma do a 500mm job which would mean bit of cutting.


Just a thought .... The one gordon posted is a 480 x 480 fitting and has a note saying the dome size is 500 x 500.

I wonder how many of the ones advertised as 500 x 500 are quoting the dome size and NOT the fitting size? So many resellers don't really understand what they are selling and could well be selling 480 x 480 units without even realising it?

I'd get the model numbers of the "500 x 500" units and see if I could confirm the fitting dimensions if I were you.
After all, all these motorhome makers use the same common parts and 480 x 480 is likely a standard size they all use on some.

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