RIP Sparky

Sharon the Cat

Full Member

A few of you know that we had engaged the services of a much respected clinical behaviourist who works for the RSPCA to help us with Sparky's increasingly aggressive reactions. Thankfully none of you have witnessed the most serious and recent episodes, including bites to both of us. After a very long and painful discussion with the behaviourist on Thursday evening we jointly reached the decision that the fairest thing we could do for an apparently very scared and unhappy Sparky was to have him put to sleep this morning. We spent the weekend spoiling him rotten and taking him to special places.

Sparky was a great, obedient and loving dog that we have loved for 5 years, but it has been very upsetting to see him change, rapidly getting worse over the last few months. He proved that we had made the right decision when he managed to give the vet a nasty bite, despite being muzzled and sedated at the time.

RIP Sparky.

The photo shows him after spending Friday afternoon on Ewyas Harold Common, knee deep in the muddiest puddles he could find.
Sparky 11-08-2023.jpg
A few of you know that we had engaged the services of a much respected clinical behaviourist who works for the RSPCA to help us with Sparky's increasingly aggressive reactions. Thankfully none of you have witnessed the most serious and recent episodes, including bites to both of us. After a very long and painful discussion with the behaviourist on Thursday evening we jointly reached the decision that the fairest thing we could do for an apparently very scared and unhappy Sparky was to have him put to sleep this morning. We spent the weekend spoiling him rotten and taking him to special places.

Sparky was a great, obedient and loving dog that we have loved for 5 years, but it has been very upsetting to see him change, rapidly getting worse over the last few months. He proved that we had made the right decision when he managed to give the vet a nasty bite, despite being muzzled and sedated at the time.

RIP Sparky.

The photo shows him after spending Friday afternoon on Ewyas Harold Common, knee deep in the muddiest puddles he could find.
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So sorry to hear this 😟
Sad news but sounds like you made the right, albeit awfully difficult, decision. I can tell how painful it was and is. If I start biting people I give you permission to do the same for me!!
So sad. Dogs are the greatest companions man (OK and women!) can have. It is said dogs rely and depend on humans. That is true, but we also rely on our dogs. They are the great leveller, they greet us when we come home, they sit with us when no one else wants to.

Our neighbours dog was similar, very well behaved and the sweetest thing. But over the course of six months, changed to become a dog that could not be in the same room as children. Could not see other dogs and on occasions, like you, bit his owners. Once savagely. It was decided, for the safety of all, including the dog, they would have him put to sleep.

The discussion with the vet beforehand was interesting. He firmly believes that dementia, including early onset is not limited to humans. He put forward the theory that Bella was suffering from Dementia and that is why she was scared and protective of herself. I really don't know about that, I don't even have a dog, but it seemed to make sense to our neighbours. Their thought was that it mimicked what we had told her about the way my father in law is being, albeit on a much quicker path. He has Dementia and has become scared, paranoid and violent. Just like Bella

Sending love and hugs for a very sad loss.

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