Shell v-power diesel


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Thought I would try this and watch effects
After eye watering £114 fill up in Dorset got 33mpg coming home think would have been lucky to get 29-30 normally.
Anyone else experience to report?
I think the only way you could properly compare mpg would be absolutely identical driving conditions and only by the actual fuel you have put in by necking the tank and re necking to see how much has been used.
We check ours on long tours which involve all types of road conditions and all speeds.
This is a regular trip of ours home from grandchildren hence my reference to comparison.
You are probably correct regarding more mpg. I always found my last van (a 5 ton MAM tag axle) ran much better on higher grade diesel like V power. The only downside is the extortionate extra price charged in the UK for it. The difference in price is less in Europe.

I also found that adding 150 ml of 2 Stroke engine oil to the fuel made my 2.8 JTD Ducato engine run better (without increasing the mpg).
I can’t tell if the mpg is better, but I very occasionally put v power diesel in both my van and a deisel car I have, just in case the addatives help their engines. It my be psychosomatic but they do appear to run smoother when using it.
For my vehicles that have little use in the Winter, filling with super is probably worthwhile before Winter because the fuel has a longer shelf life due to lower ethanol content.
The only time we use super diesel is when we fill up at a Costco store but I would agree that there is a marginal improvement in mpg but not enough to make it our regular fuel.
I don’t know how Diesel engines compare to petrol but back a few years there were a few guys who would fill only with the vpower petrol or whatever name it was and they had theirs engines remapped to use it on a rolling road. Then proved that they were getting a few more bhp with the higher grade fuel but they weren’t interested in mpg so no idea on that.

Before everyone dashes out to get it though these guys were fanatical about squeezing the last ounce of power and had already done just about everything you can, blueprinted, either turbos or super chargers and would shoe horn bigger (or smaller) engines in if it gave them that edge.

I tried it and did comparisons myself on petrol and I coulsnt honestly say I saw an improvement, some days it seemed a bit better but then again a petrol engine runs better on a misty damp day so who knows. The difference in price meant I soon went back to normal in any event.
The basic fuel is the same for the diesel but ' Super or V power " etc have different additives. These do give additional benefits, notably cleaner burning and lubricants for the injectors.
You can expect two results,
A small increase in MPG, almost certainly outweighing the increased cost,
Cleaner exhaust emissions.

Many use a tankfull before an MOT!

I use a tankfull every 4th or 5th fill.
I have the old 5 cylinder 2.7 Mercedes engine, and it definitely likes the V-power diesel. The engine performance is noticeably better. After buying
her in Germany, I did a couple of tanks with Redex. The filters etc. all get done every year, despite low mileage. then tried V-power diesel.
It feels more relaxed at motorway speed, it's quieter on idle, and the engine oil, after about the first year, is now much cleaner. I have now been using V-power for 4 years and although I only do about 3000 miles a year, I do notice the difference if I have to use Bio fuel, especially on acceleration. It might all be in my head, but it's down to individual experience.
Base vehicle on mine is a circa 2005 2.7td Sprinter so might be worth trying it sometime. I liked to think my car ran better on the petrol but didn’t have any factual evidence. I tend to use long term figures to give me mpg data, on one trip I got 30mpg but over a long period it showing more around 24mpg so I don’t base things on one fill usually. If it is 10p a litre extra though I doubt I will use it very often unless I win the lottery, that’s not pensioner friendly :)

Someone mentioned it cheaper abroad though so maybe wait until we hit France in new year and see what cost is to do an extended comparison
Use it in my VW diesel Golf, a fairly recent purchase. The dealer filled it with Morrisons standard diesel and it drive well but I switched to V Power. The engine is quieter and more responsive and I get at least 3/4 MPG more. The DPF only regenerates twice per tank and the regeneration only takes 10 mins. I want to keep the DPF, injectors etc as clean as possible so I think its worth the extra pennies. I would recommend it. I shall be using to when I can on my motorhome.
If it gives me 3 or4 extra mpg then it’s worth 10p more, will have to see
It has also been said by motoring journalists and reported on Martin Lewis's "Money Saving Expert .com" that Vpower fuel only works in performance engines. The bog STD power plants show no advantage at all. Martin Lewis says Don't bother and save your money.

Head winds, tail winds or cross winds and wind strength will make a massive difference and make it impossible to get an accurate MPG on the road, especially when trying to decide of you are gaining just 2 mpg.

There is also the psychological bias which says that "I've spent the extra money on Vpower so I want to believe I'm getting 3mpg more"
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I get very annoyed when I pull into a service station advertising diesel at one price, then when you pull up at a pump it is the overpriced V-power and no alternative so that you have to either pay the price or move to another pump, whereas other stations have the standard diesel and the V-power side by side.

(Before anybody points it out - yes I have now learned to be more vigilant as to which pump I pull up at!)
I use vpower in my American v8 petrol engine gives it bit more power a friend who has a dodge challenger who runs it at drag strips gets quicker times using v power fuel
Performance or tweaked / remapped engines tend to get the extra out of it.
Someone said to me you can get more power out of STD diesel if you add a cup full of petrol into a tankful......never tried it myself.
The chap I sold my previous motor home too told me to put 2 stroke oil in when you fill up with diesel said it improves mpg and helps to make engine run cleaner I've not tried it though
It has also been said by motoring journalists and reported on Martin Lewis's "Money Saving Expert .com" that Vpower fuel only works in performance engines. The bog STD power plants show no advantage at all. Martin Lewis says Don't bother and save your money.

Head winds, tail winds or cross winds and wind strength will make a massive difference and make it impossible to get an accurate MPG on the road, especially when trying to decide of you are gaining just 2 mpg.

There is also the psychological bias which says that "I've spent the extra money on Vpower so I want to believe I'm getting 3mpg more"
I would be happy to tell these journalists they are wrong in my case at least. I find V power gives a smoother running quieter engine with a bit more pulling power in my motorhome. In my VW Golf it gives a markedly better performance all round and in the scale of things the extra money is well spent in keeping internals clean and efficient.
I do know with petrol engines set up and remapped to use the fuel it did make a difference. I remain to be convinced it is cost effective in my motorhome but will give it a try in mainland Europe for a period. Not going to spend 10p a litre more in UK until I know it will be economically right in mod terms though. That doesn’t mean it won’t have benefits for others, just I am watching what I spend cash on and am married to a Yorkshire woman :)
Haven’t seen the special diesel in France/Spain although I do use yellow rather than black pumps, or is that what theirs is?

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