Simple pleasures

Sharing fruit and fibre
I like the bananas Jan likes the coconut ??
I’ve bought enough of that lovely French butter to last about six months but a pity I’ve got too put it on that crap we call bread. O and enough wine that if I get stopped on the way up the road I’m definitely gonna get done for overloading be worth the risk though party at mine.
is that the butter with the salt crystals in wully ive run out still going over in 6 weeks, only for a short break for a couple of months this time
Driving off the site ran by a jobsworth warden
Your vans too big
You can’t fill up with water
You can’t empty your toilet
All for £24 for 23 hrs
Driving off the site ran by a jobsworth warden
Your vans too big
You can’t fill up with water
You can’t empty your toilet
All for £24 for 23 hrs
Name and shame!,

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