Small decals


Full Member

Or indeed stickers.
I would like a few (no silly) stickers to cover up minor blemishes.
Maybe 3 in circular or 4in by 2in
Union jack or England or Thailand flag.
Or motorhome motif or Reindeer or Mountains or forests etc
Looked but not found !
Any links most welcome.
Have you considered looking on ebay, I'm sure you'll find some.
Go to any graphic design shop. Tell them what you want and thay will come up with it. I would also ask them what thay come up with. As it's there field. Only thing I would say I would want to see it as my friend got his done in Trev land photos looked great silver and orange. But the orange was more terracotta. And looked nothing like the orange. I would pay to get a cutting so I know what's what
Or indeed stickers.
I would like a few (no silly) stickers to cover up minor blemishes.
Maybe 3 in circular or 4in by 2in
Union jack or England or Thailand flag.
Or motorhome motif or Reindeer or Mountains or forests etc
Looked but not found !
Any links most welcome.
Look at CAMpRA shop, cover the blemishes and support the cause.
Flags etc would look ok on the back and possibly doors, wing and bonnet, but elsewhere too obvious, lots on eBay of course.

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