Smashed wing mirror - help please?


Rally Organiser

Our near side mirror ‘kissed’ another van’s mirror in Portugal back in March, it’s a mess held together with insulation tape. The replacement part is very different from the original. The insurance company will not replace both mirrors so they look the same. Nor, according to engineer, would any other insurance company it opens them up to very large claims. Have tried breakers and those online auction sellers. Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution, or does anyone have any bright ideas? The replacement mirror costs £1500 plus VATplus fitting so, no, we cannot afford to sub another mirror ourselves. The insurers have offered us £2000 plus change, less our excess, to go away
We get parts like mirrors from these people -

They are very helpful and might be able to sort you out.

A tip - if your passenger side mirror gets broken on the continent, it's a massive pain because your vision is so compromised. We carry spare mirror glass - just the glass, not the whole mirror. I can't remember what we paid but it wasn't a lot, and well worth it for having as a safety net.
Our near side mirror ‘kissed’ another van’s mirror in Portugal back in March, it’s a mess held together with insulation tape. The replacement part is very different from the original. The insurance company will not replace both mirrors so they look the same. Nor, according to engineer, would any other insurance company it opens them up to very large claims. Have tried breakers and those online auction sellers. Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution, or does anyone have any bright ideas? The replacement mirror costs £1500 plus VATplus fitting so, no, we cannot afford to sub another mirror ourselves. The insurers have offered us £2000 plus change, less our excess, to go away
There is/was a company, I think , in the Midlands called (or something very similar) that I used .
Google and you'll see several mirror companies
We get parts like mirrors from these people -

They are very helpful and might be able to sort you out.

A tip - if your passenger side mirror gets broken on the continent, it's a massive pain because your vision is so compromised. We carry spare mirror glass - just the glass, not the whole mirror. I can't remember what we paid but it wasn't a lot, and well worth it for having as a safety net.
Thank you - I already tried them!
There is/was a company, I think , in the Midlands called (or something very similar) that I used .
Google and you'll see several mirror companies
Thank you I have tried loads even companies in Portugal as we were there for quite a while - to no avail.
If it has a temp sensor make sure the replacement does as its needed for the DPF to function

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Prob with Martin and sues van is the mirrors are not manu product as it's an A class motorhome with the elephant lug type mirror
I will scan and see if I can locate but they're hard to obtain
are there any coach company's near you sue as you may get a coach one to fit
It’s a coach company that are doing the repairs. Our problem is we want the mirrors to be the same both sides! I’ll get Martin to look at those, I am off to California tomorrow to visit my daughter!
Thanks for the suggestions
This seller on eBay has loads of different types including A class models ..........

Sorry just seen its already been highlighted ........
It might help if you said what van you have. If it is based on a Renault Master, it may be a Renault Mascott mirror as they commonly used them on coachbuilt motorhomes.

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