Solar charging system supplier advice wanted


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Hi Everyone
We are looking for a solar panel charging kit for our van and are wondering who you guys have found the best to use/cheapest, etc.
Will be using it to charge 2 x 100amp/hr leisure batteries and the usual inverter (2000W) for our low wattage toaster, kettle, hairdryer microwave tv etc. Obviously not all at once!

Will fit it myself but any tips gratefully received.
I'm going for this Victron unit for the current design I am doing which has a 160W panel -
Bluetooth connectivity for monitoring, 5 year warranty, top quality performance and around £100 with discount
(you could go for the non-bluetooth model for under £80)
Many thanks guys for your rapid responses, it’s much appreciated. We have just purchased a 150W system from Alpha Batteries as this represented the best deal we could find. Looking forward to fighting with it (oops! - sorry meant fitting it ?) at the weekend.

Ours came with the Landstar controller which is perfectly serviceable but whilst you’re at it fitting an mppt controller might be worth considering. The Victron looks the business to give a bit to your engine battery and very reasonably priced if you do without the WiFi.

Good luck with the installation.


Victron equipment (Panels and Regulators - well all their equipment) all the way!! Fully programmable using the Victron Connect App, being MPPT meaning better efficiency and have to say (Touching a wooden desk), 0% comebacks so uber reliable! Also regulator comes with a 5 year warranty.

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