SPAM E Mails


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I am being bombarded with Spam E mails at the moment, all from USA offering the best sex ever the ladies will do anything apparently, and want NO money, just wish I still had the energy, luckily the Mails all go to my Spam box , google sorts that and I just delete en block, I do not know why this has suddenly started but I get at least 20 a day , luckily the Spam mails are easy to spot as the first line tells all so I just delete them without reading them.
Someone has sold your email address and it's gone viral. My mum sent a cheque for £200 to a charity. She couldn't work out why she then started receiving 10 to 15 letters a day asking for money. I had to point out that the charity made more money out of selling her data than the £200 she sent them. You have no control on what happens to your data once someone sells it on.
A week ago, I used DHL to courier a parcel within the UK.
All fine online.
Every day, since then I'm getting bombarded with spammy emails, asking me to confirm my shipment.
DPD . And FedEx plus other strange addresses.
Just hover over the email address.. it gives a clue to who is really sending these. Italy and Thailand crop up often
Don't open them.
Block them and report as spam.
First thing is google, dont ever use it as full of spyware which lifts all your data, use duckduckgo or opera which has a built in VPN.
For email try bringing your mail through thunderbird.
AS others have said once your email is out and on others lists its all over the globe. mobile phones are one of the big problems as they are full of spyware lifting data.
I get almost zero trouble as my desktop runs linux lite rather than windows which watches every move you make, but third parties do as they like with your acc to which you have no control, do change passwords every so often.
I have used Google Chrome and Google mail (Gmail) since google started, I have a malware program and I only use Win10 security, never ever had a problem Trev, I do get the odd scam email but Google puts it in my spam folder all on it's own, my phone NEVER EVER gets any spam.

Touch wood
Someone has sold your email address and it's gone viral. My mum sent a cheque for £200 to a charity. She couldn't work out why she then started receiving 10 to 15 letters a day asking for money. I had to point out that the charity made more money out of selling her data than the £200 she sent them. You have no control on what happens to your data once someone sells it on.
This is why I give each entity that wants my email address an address given only to them. That way, I can tell from the address to which spam is sent who's carelessly or unlawfully disclosed my email address and block addresses that have started to attract spam. I also routinely report the miscreants to Ofcom noting that the address concerned is unique and only given to the entity I'm reporting. I suspect Ofcom do next to nothing, but at the very least I've got the means to block a lot of spam targeted at email addresses someone has sold on!
You can check if your email address has been in a data breach here...

I routinely get and block the odd spam messages. Usually from certain ladies; mostly from courier firms about my parcel; lately from Mcafee saying my subscription is about to expire!
I recently had to do a full reset due to a Trajan and a demand for Bitcoin to remove it, plus some nasty threats if I did not comply.

I now have a paid for program to pick up threats and have got completely new email addresses as the old ones are compromised.

Perhaps I was lazy but it is a lot of work to sort things out.

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