Looking again at the thread title and the
Stunning, brand new, professionally converted, off grid micro camper.
The only thing that is stunning is the gall of the seller describing it as something it is not.
It is in no way a brand new micro camper.
It is not professionally converted, the converter is clearly not a professional in any way. I bet he has done it in evenings and on weekends on his driveway. That is a part time bodger.
Off grid: well that bit is true since it has no facility to connect to a mains supply so it will be not much use in the UK unless you start the engine. ?USB rechargeable cold tap (since there is no hot, and no cold water tank other than a Jerry can).
Micro camper - OK for micro people who can stand up in a 4ft high van and can get dressed and undressed in the rain outside . . . .
Anyway I have got better things to do than trype here about rubbish converters, though they do annoy me with their tongue and groove pine conversions and nailed together chopped up pallets. I even saw some like that yesterday at the NEC.
NOW this is what I call a Stunning, brand new, professionally converted, off grid proper sized campervan in terms of build quality and cost. A new converter I haven't heard of yesterday at the NEC. I only came across it in a far corner as the show was closing. At £77k or £75 k without the awning or TV (although I don't have 75k to spend on a new camper) on the face of it I would buy it in preference to all the others on show. The company is Aura, in Nottingham - or was it Northampton - I always get the two mixed up. The only doubt I might have about it is that it has an under floor refillable LPG tank. I am undecided if that is good or bad but as most of our campervanning is done in Europe with widespread refilling stations, I would allow it that. They did say they are a new company, but I was seriously impressed with the build quality and the stuff they have included which costs more than doing it cheaply. On a quick search I couldn't find a www for them, but they did say they are new. Here's a youtube: