Temu item just arrived

Pudsey Bear

Full Member

Liz has a problem when we're watching TV at night and the heating is on or if it's just a warm night, her face gets uncomfortably hot and it distresses her a bit, we have a couple of cooling pads but they soon warm up, so anyway I came across this thing and not expecting a lot bought it and it'd go back if it was crap, only it isn't crap it's fantastic, USB C cable to charge it, no idea how long it will last, so I'm charging it now and will report back later on that, it has five setting and number 1 is more than enough, it is a bit loud but I hope she can get used to that with the TV on.

It has some silly lights but they are switched so not needed.

Liz has a problem when we're watching TV at night and the heating is on or if it's just a warm night, her face gets uncomfortably hot and it distresses her a bit, we have a couple of cooling pads but they soon warm up, so anyway I came across this thing and not expecting a lot bought it and it'd go back if it was crap, only it isn't crap it's fantastic, USB C cable to charge it, no idea how long it will last, so I'm charging it now and will report back later on that, it has five setting and number 1 is more than enough, it is a bit loud but I hope she can get used to that with the TV on.

It has some silly lights but they are switched so not needed.
There is a chap I watch on Youtube that always has a "thing" hung around his neck. I thought it was speakers at first but then I realised it was a fan thingy (which makes sense as he works outside in Arizona where 90 degrees F is 'cool').

Been meaning to look at those. Will have to have a look on-line to see if I can find any (y)
It should have read Temu not Tivo :rolleyes:

It's been on test on it's lowest setting for just over an hour so far, battery indicator s shows 88, dunno if that's a percentage or not, but it does move a lot of air though.

Plenty out there

2:50 hours so far, display shows 59, I had to go out so turned it off and stopped the timer.
I bought neck fans from Lidl (I thunk it was) for about £10 and family said they are very good, keeps their charge and have a 3 year warranty.
Lasted 4:23 on low and took 1:45 to fully recharge, so quite pleased.

Main thing is Liz had a comfortable evening.
We have four of them (there is only two of us). We have found them really useful on hot days when motorcycle racing. Been using them for 3 years now.

We carry the extra units to give to other riders when we see them prickly with sweat and bright red in the face. Very popular and lots of riders are buying them, they really work.

Pat also puts slices of watermelon in the freezer to cool down myself and other riders after a hot race, the combination of the two brings amazing relief.

Not tested run times or anything, but they last for ages.

Completely recommend neck fans
I did the test so we knew if it needed to be charged if we took it to France, only doing it once.

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