Terrible News :(


Full Member

Yup, the worst!

Stuff Brexit, what about Tofexit :eek: :eek: :eek:

Went to Dentist yesterday and had a crown fitted (note small 'c', not one of the Royals) and the dentist said I should avoid Chewing Gum in future (don't use it anyway, but also needed to stay away from Toffees :oops: :sick: :(
I have always had a sweet tooth (no doubt hence the crown requirement) and I love toffees! What am I gonna do!? Tofexit is on the cards :cry:
Soft Centres just don't cut it for me but what can be done? Some say a Soft Tofexit might be ok, but the only real option is a Hard Tofexit, like it or not, otherwise I will apparently end up cap in hand (literally) back to the Dentist pleading for it to be reinstated and put back in the same position that it was before March.
Anyone recommend an alternative WTO (What Toffee Option) that is kinder to teeth? Apparently chocolate with >70% cocoa is ok, but I don't really like chocolate, just the hard sweets that are bad for teeth :rolleyes:
Yup, the worst!

Stuff Brexit, what about Tofexit :eek: :eek: :eek:

Went to Dentist yesterday and had a crown fitted (note small 'c', not one of the Royals) and the dentist said I should avoid Chewing Gum in future (don't use it anyway, but also needed to stay away from Toffees :oops: :sick: :(
I have always had a sweet tooth (no doubt hence the crown requirement) and I love toffees! What am I gonna do!? Tofexit is on the cards :cry:
Soft Centres just don't cut it for me but what can be done? Some say a Soft Tofexit might be ok, but the only real option is a Hard Tofexit, like it or not, otherwise I will apparently end up cap in hand (literally) back to the Dentist pleading for it to be reinstated and put back in the same position that it was before March.
Anyone recommend an alternative WTO (What Toffee Option) that is kinder to teeth? Apparently chocolate with >70% cocoa is ok, but I don't really like chocolate, just the hard sweets that are bad for teeth :rolleyes:

I believe some Waitrose stores will sell'pick and mix' quality street tins, you can choose minimum of 4 options so there's the soft toffee options and I find if you let the flat yellow one soften in your mouth you might manage. Consider yourself lucky, I had 6 teeth knocked out on a bike ride, I was on a cycle path when broadside by 3 'yoofs', obviously no insurance so a year later 5 implants at a cost of £9k!!!
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I believe some Waitrose stores will sell'pick and mix' quality street tins, you can choose minimum of 4 options so there's the soft toffee options and I find if you let the flat yellow one soften in your mouth you might manage. Consider yourself lucky, I had 6 teeth knocked out on a bike ride, I was on a cycle path when broadside by 3 'roofs', obviously no insurance so a year later 5 implants at a cost of £9k!!!
My most pricey work was a single tooth implant -£2,000. And that was sweetie-related as well! I like (or used to like!) those basset hard liquorice sticks. Bit one once and *crack*. one of those unfortunate events (bit that that footballer who damaged his knee or something putting on a boot! £20M signing earlier in the year I believe and no date when he will be back on action)

The trouble with sweets in the mouth .....
Oh fudge! Just have to grit your teeth and go for the soft centres David :ROFLMAO:
Change your dentist for one who can fit crowns properly.
Damn. I wish I knew last week that we had a medical expert here with the powers of remote diagnosis for people they have never met. I went to the optitians last week. I could have saved the trip and asked you for my eye prescription instead
What Lee said, David :)
"Fillings and crowns can be pulled out by eating toffees, for example, or any other chewy sweets "

"...it’s best to avoid chewy or sticky foods which can often adhere to the crown and pull at it "

Forgive me if I trust the advice of Dental Specialists (including those who have intimate & direct awareness of my teeth) over some random Forummer whose medical experience I have no knowledge of and wouldn't know him from the tooth dealer in Les Miserables :censored:
Be a man give up the dreaded toffee, especially the Thornton's ,or your will be the dentists best customer .
What's the line from the simpsons .... "Lady, he's putting my kids through College" (Homer and his hot dog buying at the baseball, I think?)
Best you don’t go near Thornton’s Toffi Chocs then ?
Go for Werthers and suck ‘em to death.

While we’re on the dentist theme,I’ve got two loose crowns, going to be fixed foc. Happy daze
Im of to dentist soon to have a crown removed and peg pulled,so only one bar in my grate i will look like plug from the beno.
Worst bit is i started training at 16 as a dental mechanic.:eek:

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