The End of an Era.


Full Member

After just a month short of 20 years, we're without a motorhome.
A new chapter begins.
We'll still be spending time in the East Algarve, but no longer escaping the Summer Heat , meandering to UK and back.
We'll still be available if any passing members need advice or help with keeping the drinks payload under control..
If you're passing along the RN 270..
Give us a buzz.

A Jaguar a merk and a Range Rover wonder what he thought when he Seen a Bentley on his job sheet. Sad day paul hope you both enjoy you’re next chapter with good health and happiness don’t need to tell you laughter is the best medicine and if I’m ever down you’re way I’ll certainly drop of some thatchers for you.
So sorry you are giving up the van ,I have only been on the forum about a year but always read your posts as you were often helping others.If you want to escape the Algarve in the summer try a train/ bus trip to central Portugal it is a bit cooler and we would love to meet you.
Sorry that you have had to part with your beloved van, but hopefully your new summer life of long lunches and the odd bottle of wine will help to ease the pain. Hope you will carry on posting, I will miss seeing you both, Love to Jenny.......and you. xx
Sorry to hear about giving up tramping the roads,but you have both been here and what nice good folk to boot,hope next chapter is good for you both and the heat will be better than the british dank damp winters.
Aww Paul and Jenny, I'm so sorry that you've had to part with your beloved motorhome but you live in a beautiful part of the world and I know you'll enjoy life to the full, maybe pursuing new hobbies... and then there's the food and wine of course ;) You'll always be motorhomers at heart though, so don't even think about leaving us, please! I'm hoping to explore Portugal one day, so your kind offer to stop by is noted and very much appreciated :love:
A new chapter with new possibilities.

Well done you !
Thanks for the offer Paul, that’s a sad moment for you both seeing the van go, but here’s to your continued enjoyment of the Algarve and improved health ??
Thanks, Dave
We had hoped to meet you somewhere near Cheshire...I've a superb wild spot, on the banks of the River Dee, near Chester.. But alas we would have to have killed you, to keep it secret.
Sad day Paul, but the good side is you can spend longer in your Portugal home teasing us lot about the magnificent weather
Good Luck ???
.Good to follow your recent adventures. Graham.
Glad that you're out and about again.
One day, we'll share that Alentejo Red.. Though the Duoro region is turning out some brilliant wine..
If you ever get down here, it's on.
Sorry to read this and hope your health improves all the best for the future
Thanks Gordon..
We're thankful for all the memories and interesting folk that we've met.
A Jaguar a merk and a Range Rover wonder what he thought when he Seen a Bentley on his job sheet. Sad day paul hope you both enjoy you’re next chapter with good health and happiness don’t need to tell you laughter is the best medicine and if I’m ever down you’re way I’ll certainly drop of some thatchers for you.
Nice one, Big Man. Thanks.. We were privileged to meet so many characters.
You'd be welcome down here..
But dinnae ask me to be your interpreter.
I will hate the day we have to give up but we will always remember meeting you and Jenny, looks like we will have to go to Portugal
I hope things improve Paul
Aww Paul and Jenny, I'm so sorry that you've had to part with your beloved motorhome but you live in a beautiful part of the world and I know you'll enjoy life to the full, maybe pursuing new hobbies... and then there's the food and wine of course ;) You'll always be motorhomers at heart though, so don't even think about leaving us, please! I'm hoping to explore Portugal one day, so your kind offer to stop by is noted and very much appreciated :love:
Again, thanks, Jennie.
We have the memories.. Great times, wonderful, interesting people.
So sorry you are giving up the van ,I have only been on the forum about a year but always read your posts as you were often helping others.If you want to escape the Algarve in the summer try a train/ bus trip to central Portugal it is a bit cooler and we would love to meet you.
Thanks.. It's on our to do list
Sorry to hear about giving up tramping the roads,but you have both been here and what nice good folk to boot,hope next chapter is good for you both and the heat will be better than the british dank damp winters.
Thanks Trev..
As I've already said.. We have such wonderful memories.. And we'll still be around,on the websites.
One day..when the kids have completely outgrown your bus.. You might find yourselves back down here... Bring it on !
Sorry that you have had to part with your beloved van, but hopefully your new summer life of long lunches and the odd bottle of wine will help to ease the pain. Hope you will carry on posting, I will miss seeing you both, Love to Jenny.......and you. xx
Thanks Sue..
We'll be around on the websites, keeping up with you all.. Has Dave got off the ground with his Autogyro yet.? Keep us posted.

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