I always go over on the Tunnel using our TESCO vouchers of which we now have enough of them to manage 2 x return trips per annum. The advantage with the Tunnel is that it is very fast and of course it is never affected by rough weather and most importantly for us at least being that you are always with your four legged friends.
When we first moved over there in mid January 2004, the daytime temperature in Northern France was a balmy 15C. But with regards to the temperatures what often catches so many Brits out is that they don't expect the depths of the freezing cold temperatures that can be reached when a long way from the coast, however
@Trotter your journey across France en-route to Spain shouldn't see you venturing too far away from the coast.
Just like so many others I/we always avoid toll roads with the exception of the first blat down from Calais to Abbeville that is a right royal boring stretch of countryside unless you hog the narrow coast roads.
I don't think I have seen it suggested yet, but I honestly do believe the Vicarious Publishing books "All the Aires Of France", both North and South editions and also their similar publication for both Spain & Portugal, they are all must have publications for your trip,
Whenever we are over in Europe I always spend some time the night before planning exactly where we might be stopping the following night using the above guides, always having a 2nd choice for just in case!
I strongly suggest that you NEVER EVER stop on any of the major Aires that you will find alongside the main autoroutes or 'N' roads as they can be a bit risky as has been well reported on numerous sites, but always stop if you can in larger commune villages where you will almost always find a good Aire as well as bread shops and cafes that are still the social hub of French rural life.
It has already been mentioned about the use of a dash cam, they are frowned upon in Portugal, but what I can't recall seeing written yet is that if you use a Sat-Nav, when in France make certain that you disable the radar warning facility as dear old Johnnie Gendarme doesn't take kindly to that facility and if you do get stopped and the Gendarme who stops you is one of the snotty types then you will more than likely end up having both a hefty fine as well as having your sat-nav confiscated. Believe me, I used to live over there and I know of several people that had this happen to them!!
You are one lucky 'B'
@Trotter for going on such a fantastic tour, make sure you enjoy yourself.