The power bank


Full Member

Before Christmas I asked advice about a small handbag sized charging pack. Thought some could be interested in the usefullness of what I purchase.
Slightly heavy and chunky for an average small handbag but not a small backpack. After a really good initial charge it charged my old Samsung phone very quickly whilst I was on my 7 hour plus coach trip. Don't how fast it would charge off grid in the van. Pleased with it. Don't think a smaller one would have done the job so well

Which one did you buy? Link?
I have had a similar Anker power bank for a few years and find it very handy for charging anything via usb when out and about lasts for ages, but also takes ages to recharge 6ish hours.
My phone has a 3.5a battery so I'm looking for 3 times that.
My phone has a 6000mah battery the charger 2000mah, I have not charged it from empty to full but use it to top up if running low similarly with camera etc. Using it in this way works fine for me until I can plug in for full charge.
My £10 power banks are also solar charged, handy for hill walkers etc, and it has a compass on the back of it & torch.
Expensive to charge phones, but as a handy backup, it should work well with a LiFePO4 battery. I will be down looking at this on the 11th!

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Trev, I have posted before about these power packs you love to link to and how what they claim is total BS. Such as the 10 MILLION mAh Pack above - which equates to 10,000Ah at 3.2V, or in the context of a 12.8V Lithium Battery - 2,500Ah. - so that £12 power pack is like buying 25 100Ah Lithium Batteries at around £300 each. Result :D

But I happened this morning to watch this video from bigclivedotcom tearing one down. Should be an interesting revelation even for those who buy into the listings? Oh, this on is a puny 9 MILLION mAh pack, not a bigger 10 MILLION mAh one like yours .....

For those who don't want to watch the video but just get the conclusions on this kind of crap ....
forget the specs - this is what they can really do and often have (or don't have!) (plus some comments from viewers)
  • Cannot deliver more that 1.5A without voltage plunging.
  • Actually delivers 2400mAh (which in 12V battery context is 0.6Ah - a little different to the thousands of Ah claimed)
  • Half the space is taken up by a lump of metal instead of a bigger battery - to give the buyer that reassuring 'heavy so must be good' feeling.
  • Solar panel is often fake and a piece of printed plastic.
  • Even if these units do have real solar panels, do NOT leave them in direct sunlight as it may overheat them and cause the lithium cell to fail dramatically.
  • one commentator ... "A friend of mine bought a "1,200mAh power bank that delivered maybe 250mAh. I opened it up and discovered that 3 of the 4 18650s inside were filled with sand"
Posting this as too many see a product like this at that kind of price and think they are getting a bargain. No, they are getting a delivery of crap in the post.
Maybe an actual video showing what a lot of these packs REALLY contain might help?
(got a good name though for those who are not hungry :D )
Just one moment please ought to be on a T shirt if it's not already.

I've watched most of Clives stuff for a few years, it mostly goes over my head but he's a good watch.
I'm going to open up a shop drop-shipping this stuff I think. Make a fortune from the gullible.
Gonna call it ...
:poop: from 🇨🇳

(hmmm. I think that name may not be such a good idea as so many already do it? ;) )
I have 4 units here ans all are 100% and charge our phones, or did to we got all the usb sockets sorted in the van, they are sitting here doing nout now,
I have 4 units here ans all are 100% and charge our phones, or did to we got all the usb sockets sorted in the van, they are sitting here doing nout now,
Have you actually done a capacity test to see just how much power you get from them?
I have a few Packs (none with the gimmicky solar panel rubbish). I was using my 20,000mAh version yesterday with my heated vest. On full power for both front and rear heated panels for around 5 hours and still only down to 56% charge, so that is pretty good.
I did put my USB monitor (same as the one Big Clive used on that video) when doing a recharge and the power in matched the quoted capacity (y)

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