Tracker renewal, is it worth it?


Full Member

Is it worth renewing a Tracker. We have a Tracker Retrieve. After 5 years our subscription soon expires and the unit has to be replaced, and we’ll have to do it before we go away, which means deciding tomorrow. Costing £249 for 1 year subscription or £449 for 5 years. Is it really worth it on a small Bessacarr now it is 5 years old? Not sure whether many of these get nicked, especially abroad where we travel most. The saving on the insurance is only £20 per year, and is not compulsory. We have anyway an alarm and Pedalbox...and when on the drive at home a very substantial wheelclamp. I’d be interested to hear views.
Perhaps consider an eBay special with your own data sim onboard? I’m sure some people on here use them, I haven’t just yet.
This any good? £50 to buy and £60 a year for real time tracking ( worldwide) with the option to turn on different alerts in eluding movement and vibration alerts.

I have a tracker and I have a panic button. Never had to use it but as a single female glad it’s there

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