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For those who might be interested Michelin are now selling the Cross Climate tyres in a Camper version, it looks like there are’t many sizes available yet but presumably more will come.
Any further info Eric ,sizes or costs or is it on a web site g
There is info on their website Gordon, my tyre size is a 215 but they don’t have that yet. Don’t think I can go any wider as the tyre is already very close to the strut, also a problem for snow chains.
I am about to renew tyres and talked to Michelin this morning. New Crossclimate Camper are only available at the moment in 16".
The 15" version is coming in the summer, but they couldn't give an exact date.
I am about to renew tyres and talked to Michelin this morning. New Crossclimate Camper are only available at the moment in 16".
The 15" version is coming in the summer, but they couldn't give an exact date.
Do you have a contact no stuart please

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