Wanted: Laika Ecovip or Autosleeper


Full Member


Laika Ecovip 200i with bunk beds at back, RHD, preferably on an Iveco chassis
Autosleeper Mirage, RHD
Autosleeper Luxor, RHD

It's specifically the older models I'm after, approx 17+ years old (late 1990s up to about 2002/3)
I have a limited budget, but please PM me if you might have one of the above for sale, or if you spot any on your travels.

Many thanks! 🙂
What about this https://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201909192417959? looks a decent van And there’s probably a fair bit of haggle there

Well spotted, Wully!
Hadn't seen that one.

I did have Pilote down on my list at one time, but no suitable ones were coming up all this year. only really ropey old ones they wanted too much money for. Needless to say most of them are still for sale!

That looks a pretty decent motorhome and ticks boxes for interior, so thanks very much for that 😉 (y)
There are 6 AS Mirages (1 listed as a Marquis) on eBay.

Thanks Paul.

I'm already regularly checking eBay, Gumtree, Autotrader etc. and have notifications coming through for saved searches.

Posted on here just on case anyone has the type of van(s) I'm after and may be planning on selling sometime soon, or knows someone thinking the same, in other words vans that aren't yet advertised or already on the market.

As you know tracking down your next van can be a lengthy business, especially when you're working to a budget! 😉 :)

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