Water Cremation


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I have just read about this on the BBC news app , never heard of it before , it is supposed to be greener than normal Cremation, apparently the dead body is immersed in water and LYRE ? and heated , the bodily tissue is then dissolved in this solution in 4 hours ? only thing remaining is the Skeleton and teeth, which is then crushed and powdered , some of this powder is returned to relatives in place of the deceased's ashes, the water used is then OK , to return to the Sewage / Water treatment plants to be disposed off with the rest of the effluent? Sounds realy macabre to me especially the grinding up of the Skeleton and teeth , don.t think I could dispose of a loved one in this way ? The system also has other names too?
I have just read about this on the BBC news app , never heard of it before , it is supposed to be greener than normal Cremation, apparently the dead body is immersed in water and LYRE ? and heated , the bodily tissue is then dissolved in this solution in 4 hours ? only thing remaining is the Skeleton and teeth, which is then crushed and powdered , some of this powder is returned to relatives in place of the deceased's ashes, the water used is then OK , to return to the Sewage / Water treatment plants to be disposed off with the rest of the effluent? Sounds realy macabre to me especially the grinding up of the Skeleton and teeth , don.t think I could dispose of a loved one in this way ? The system also has other names too?
hi . yes just seen on GB news .cheyenne
The alternatives are being incinerated then having your ashes mixed with others. This comes with a high carbon footprint, or eaten by soil microbes. So,no I don't think it is macabre at all. It is just another form of waste disposal.The resulting alkaline residue from the "aqua cremation" contains no DNA and is safe to dispose of as trade effluent. After the yucky bit you end up in the sea,except there is no you. Co Op are interested, as I would be but I've got a nice plot paid for under a tree in what will become a nature reserve with some hungry microbes.
I have just read about this on the BBC news app , never heard of it before , it is supposed to be greener than normal Cremation, apparently the dead body is immersed in water and LYRE ? and heated , the bodily tissue is then dissolved in this solution in 4 hours ? only thing remaining is the Skeleton and teeth, which is then crushed and powdered , some of this powder is returned to relatives in place of the deceased's ashes, the water used is then OK , to return to the Sewage / Water treatment plants to be disposed off with the rest of the effluent? Sounds realy macabre to me especially the grinding up of the Skeleton and teeth , don.t think I could dispose of a loved one in this way ? The system also has other names too?
Cremains are ground after burning to break up the big bits after any metal bits (artificial joints/screws/plates/wires etc)have been removed ...

Frankly we don't OWN any of the materials we are made up of ....
The more environmentally friendly the way we can return the elements to the bank we borrowed them from the better in my book .

Nothing macabre about death any more than birth ...

Just part of the cycle of nature .
Read the article in the Guardian [to give balance to the wings including GB News], where the process was described as the equivalent of 'Boil in the Bag' disposal. Two water companies have confirmed that the resultant water will not cause any problem for the water supplies. I imagine Thames Water will decline the 'Boil in the Bag' process because they don't want their effluent pumping contaminated with clear water ...

It says in the good book that at the end you will rise up out of the grave, starnge that other parts say when you die then of to whatever place you have chosen. :unsure:
I have just read about this on the BBC news app , never heard of it before , it is supposed to be greener than normal Cremation, apparently the dead body is immersed in water and LYRE ? and heated , the bodily tissue is then dissolved in this solution in 4 hours ? only thing remaining is the Skeleton and teeth, which is then crushed and powdered , some of this powder is returned to relatives in place of the deceased's ashes, the water used is then OK , to return to the Sewage / Water treatment plants to be disposed off with the rest of the effluent? Sounds realy macabre to me especially the grinding up of the Skeleton and teeth , don.t think I could dispose of a loved one in this way ? The system also has other names too?

Lye perhaps?

A lyre is a stringed instrument.
Lye perhaps?

A lyre is a stringed instrument.
No, Graham, Lye ['The Lye' in Black Country parlance, so named because God could think of nothing to do with the [awful] place than 'leave it Lye there and let it rot'], is the next train station to Stourbridge on the route to Birmingham. It's not getting any better is it ... :ROFLMAO: But, to show that it's not all doom and gloom [and to keep the tenuous religious connection], there are two local characters, Enoch and Eli [pronounced Aynuk and Ayli, who are the equivalent of the better known Irish Paddy & Mick

One Sunday morning, Aynuk encounters the vicar on his way into church, and asks if the vicar would pray for Aynuk's wife's floating kidneys. When the vicar replies that that is a rather strange request, and is unsure whether he can do so, Aynuk replies, 'Well, vicar, last Sunday, yo' asked us all to pray for loose livers and I cor see much difference atween 'em meself' ... :ROFLMAO:

Here endeth the Lesson, or, in the case of the hoousekeeping, The Lessen ... Save to say that I was born in Stourbridge [Wollaston], where any road out of the town, apart from the A491 that passes through Lye, is a good 'un :oops:

The alternatives are being incinerated then having your ashes mixed with others. This comes with a high carbon footprint, or eaten by soil microbes. So,no I don't think it is macabre at all. It is just another form of waste disposal.The resulting alkaline residue from the "aqua cremation" contains no DNA and is safe to dispose of as trade effluent. After the yucky bit you end up in the sea,except there is no you. Co Op are interested, as I would be but I've got a nice plot paid for under a tree in what will become a nature reserve with some hungry microbes.
As someone who managed Parks, Gardens, Cemeteries and Churchyards and also qualified in Crematorium management it annoys me to hear people peddle the pub talk of getting anyone's or mixed ashes.There is a strict Code of practice - which follows the Cremation process from committal service to the presentation of the ashes Urn to the Undertaker and/or family. Crematorium Attendants are qualified people who are undertake this service very seriously.. Correct Identity

(a) No coffin shall be accepted at any Crematorium unless it bears adequate particulars of the identity of the deceased person contained therein. If a coffin is encased, the cover and the coffin must bear adequate identity of the deceased person.

(b) Every care must be taken to ensure correct identification throughout the whole proceedings from the moment the coffin is received onto the catafalque until the final disposal of the Cremated Remains/Ashes.
As someone who managed Parks, Gardens, Cemeteries and Churchyards and also qualified in Crematorium management it annoys me to hear people peddle the pub talk of getting anyone's or mixed ashes.There is a strict Code of practice - which follows the Cremation process from committal service to the presentation of the ashes Urn to the Undertaker and/or family. Crematorium Attendants are qualified people who are undertake this service very seriously.. Correct Identity

(a) No coffin shall be accepted at any Crematorium unless it bears adequate particulars of the identity of the deceased person contained therein. If a coffin is encased, the cover and the coffin must bear adequate identity of the deceased person.

(b) Every care must be taken to ensure correct identification throughout the whole proceedings from the moment the coffin is received onto the catafalque until the final disposal of the Cremated Remains/Ashes.
Good to know.
What if you cannot swim? :(

I think I will stick with the usual BBQ type funeral .... it is more apt in my case. I travelled a lot in my life and I will still be travelling after the Service. With a bit of luck my smoke might drift over Greta Thunbergs house ... ooh, the irony. :giggle:
I've already bought plots for me and the family to be interred.

Always knew I'd end up in the s**t!
There was a young man from Ryde
Who fell down a sewer; and died
The next day his brother
Fell down another
And now they're interred
Side by side [Dudley Rag Mag c 1967]

The alternatives are being incinerated then having your ashes mixed with others. This comes with a high carbon footprint, or eaten by soil microbes. So,no I don't think it is macabre at all. It is just another form of waste disposal.The resulting alkaline residue from the "aqua cremation" contains no DNA and is safe to dispose of as trade effluent. After the yucky bit you end up in the sea,except there is no you. Co Op are interested, as I would be but I've got a nice plot paid for under a tree in what will become a nature reserve with some hungry microbes.
Having ashes mixed with others what a load of rubbish, our local crematorium have open days where they will walk you through the whole process and the care taken with every part of the process and to put payed to another rumour they don’t stack up the bodies and have a mass cremation to save on gas either. 🙄
I have just read about this on the BBC news app , never heard of it before , it is supposed to be greener than normal Cremation, apparently the dead body is immersed in water and LYRE ? and heated , the bodily tissue is then dissolved in this solution in 4 hours ? only thing remaining is the Skeleton and teeth, which is then crushed and powdered , some of this powder is returned to relatives in place of the deceased's ashes, the water used is then OK , to return to the Sewage / Water treatment plants to be disposed off with the rest of the effluent? Sounds realy macabre to me especially the grinding up of the Skeleton and teeth , don.t think I could dispose of a loved one in this way ? The system also has other names too?
I know some people that I would like to dispose of. Is this the new version of "Never trust a villan with a pig farm" film
Do not need to worry as the government will dispose of all the bodies and make them into Soylent Green and feed it to the remaining population as a source of protein. These old films are more than predictive they were made to tell you is going to happen.
Do not need to worry as the government will dispose of all the bodies and make them into Soylent Green and feed it to the remaining population as a source of protein. These old films are more than predictive they were made to tell you is going to happen.
Agreed, I believe that it is written into the Labour Manifesto. :ROFLMAO:

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